Writing Contests with Hope
Finally, a book with the FundsforWriters ethics for contests. . . and 700 contests to enter.
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Everyone loves winning, but nobody enjoys losing. Writers are no exception. Contests in the writing profession offer opportunity in many forms, but so many writers fear entering. Whether they fear scams, rejection, or being judged, they hold back. On the other hand, others throw caution to the wind and enter every contest in sight, likewise winning nothing. Contests are a serious venture. They can catapult a career if entered thoughtfully with serious intent. Yes, intent. Contests aren’t a whimsical endeavor. With planning, practice, and research, writers can enter contests and genuinely improve their odds of success.
“FundsforWriters helps writers achieve more success with their writing by finding and sharing the information that writers need to fund their writing.” ~Robert Lee Brewer, Editor Writer’s Market
“As an emerging writer, I found FundsforWriters a treasure trove of helpful information about how to embark on this crazy career called writing. As a published writer, I used FundsforWriters to determine where I might submit my work for further publication, and where I might get grants. And as a writer who’s now teaching other writers, I direct participants in my online writing courses to the FundsforWriters website every single day. Hope Clark was with me every step of the way as I grew into the writing life; I can hardly imagine what I would do without her. FundsforWriters: the indispensable site for writers!” ~Joan Dempsey, Writer/teacher of writing
Only $6.99 for the advice FFW is known for, and 700 contests to enter.
“No matter what kind of writer you want to be, FundsforWriters gives you the resources, guidance and inspiration we all need to hone our craft. All writers need hope, and C. Hope Clark’s FundsforWriters brings you the tools, resources and real world knowledge that will make you a better writer.” ~Mark Lund, Award-winning magazine publisher, screenwriter and filmmaker
“FundsforWriters has consistently given balanced, informative information for writers of all levels and is the go-to place on the Web for reliable writing advice and markets. Cynthia Hope Clark is well-known to writers all over the world by only one of her three names–Hope. That’s what she’s given a generation of up-and-coming writers.” Sean McLachlan, Author, Radio Hope
Available in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI files.
Only $6.99 for the advice FFW is known for, and 700 contests to enter.
Paperback $14.95 (autographed if desired)