Some of you have seen my social media of late. It’s not very active except to say I am hiding a bit behind pound cake, coffee, and my stories to avoid the universe.
These are hard times. Don’t get sucked in. Write.
I’ll be the first to tell you it’s difficult to claw past the noise in the world to write stories. It’s been more difficult in the last week than I’ve experienced in years.
But write you must. Not only do you need to keep going, but the writing will soothe you. Disappearing into your words will help.
Put down the social media. Pick up your pad and pencil or park yourself in front of your keyboard. Turn on music if you need to. Light a candle. Pour some wine, tea, or coffee.
Don’t lose yourself in the animosity. Instead, find yourself in your own words, the words of your choosing, and create the world of your choosing. Be proactive in keeping yourself not only sane, but also humane.
Greatly appreciate the advice it encouraged me not to lose hope in writing.Once again thank you so much for the advice.