Right now in these trying times I find it a little difficult to read social media, but on the other hand I can hardly keep away from it, amazed at how the world seems to be on fire. One evening, it literally made me tear up at the animosity and sarcasm. Honestly, some folks just hurt my heart.
Also, lately, I’ve received more than the usual number of requests for book reviews. I just don’t have the time to accept all the requests, so that leads me to be selective. First, I usually limit reviews to mystery, how-to writing guidance, and Southern fiction, which are genres I am most familiar with.
If a book sounds promising, I then look at the author. They don’t have to be debut or well-seasoned. They don’t have to be traditional or self-published. I just look at what resonates with me. And I realize that my review can be used by that person either on a cover, on a website, or in social media. I love that. Or, let’s say I usually love that.
These days, however, people are being big and bold with their political affiliations, opinions, and memes. I don’t want to be openly affiliated with anything political. I’d rather my readers want to read my books for the writing, and remember me for my books and services. I’d like to reach any and all readers.
But when I review someone else’s book, and they are politically active, I usually stop and think twice. My review could be perceived as not only an endorsement for the book but also for the author and what they represent and are openly soliciting or campaigning for. Maybe even something I don’t want to be affiliated with, or something I may feel quite the opposite about. My review could be next to a meme making dark jokes about a candidate I don’t personally endorse or a candidate that many readers disagree with.
I might be part of a minority who thinks that way, and some may find me too sensitive about politics, but in these heated political times, I just wanted to throw out there that the stands you take can impact sales and reviews . . . maybe even acceptance by an agent or publisher. Just a thought.
“The stands you make impact the sales you make”. That would be a good slogan for someone.
I agree 100% with your views on this and, as always, you are a very articulate writer. I like reading you not only for your views, but the masterful way you articulate them.
Keep up the great work!