A week doesn’t go by without someone asking me for money to self-publish their book. Nine times out of ten, they are beginning authors.
There are no grants for this. And there are lots of reasons why. I’ll try to toss most of them in here, in abbreviated form so this doesn’t turn into an epistle.
1) Writing grants are mostly for writing the book, not producing it. Making the book (i.e., self-publishing) isn’t writing; it’s business.
2) Most writing grants don’t go to first time authors because they have not proven their likelihood of success.
3) Writing grants don’t always go to those in financial trouble.
4) Writing grants don’t often favor the disabled, the elderly, or the retired. They are for writing, first and foremost. Any other measures run second or third to the importance of quality writing.
5) Unless you’ve a proven track record in successful self-published books, grants go more to the traditionally published.
6) It’s not what you are writing. It’s how closely what you are writing matches what they want.
7) Grants are not for those beginning to write.
8) Grants are not for those who need an editor to learn how to write professionally.
Many think that grants go to need first. While there are such grants, they are not the driving force for a grant. You still must prove yourself a writer.
Entry Fees for Poets – https://www.poetrybulletin.com/poetry-fee-support – covers entry fees for poets who write poetry chapbooks or full-length poetry manuscripts. Yes, there is a need. Chances are, they’ll submit to the publisher on your behalf (I don’t write poetry and haven’t requested this grant) by the very fact they ask where you are submitting and how much it cost.
So it’s about more than need. It’s first about the ability to write.
Thank you for consistently sharing valuable information with writers.
In Gratitude,
Thank you
Well, every “first time” author had to write a book for the first time. Celebrities’ power is their fame, fortune and recognition, therefore consumers will buy their books based on that. That is business. What about the authors who want to contribute to an often “controversial” topics such as contributions to mathematics by Black people in Africa before the Greeks. That topic will NOT be taken up by Random House, Time Publishing, etc. Why? These books need to be self published because it goes against the grain of the dominant narrative. So, as I understand the first timers syndrome, where there is a will, there is a way.