When we start anything in our lives, we stumble through it. Yet, for some reason, we don’t want people to know that we are stumbling. In fact, everyone in the world is stumbling through their lives, because the only way to grow is to proceed through trial and error, and you know what? We haven’t done most of this before.
But a lot of people stop pursuing their dreams because they dislike the stumbling part. They are afraid of appearing novice when everyone has to go through that stage. They are afraid of making mistakes, when the only way to learn is by making them.
So they stop in the middle of all the learning because it is painful to feel stupid. The successful continue to muscle through that phase (or multiple stages of that phase).
Social media exposes a lot of stumbling.
1) We feel we must post our attempts on social media or we feel like we aren’t doing anything.
2) We feel we need pats on the back for just trying.
3) Trolls feel the need to demean our attempts, failures, struggles, and choices.
We don’t have to post our attempts. We can just push through our learning. Why does anyone have to know what we are getting wrong or blindly attempting to achieve? Why do we do this to ourselves, knowing full well that there are opinions out there that won’t agree with yours?
Look forward and set goals. There is no need to share them. No need to self sabotage. If you feel the need for pats on the back, then maybe you aren’t pursuing the right dream. A hard core dream means you struggle and fight for it regardless of the obstacles, because your dream is everything, regardless what people say.
Stumble. Then stumble again. Every successful person, past and present, pushed through failures until they reached success. They didn’t allow themselves to stop and listen to the naysayers.
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