A sample of freelance markets and contract jobs mentioned in the newsletters are listed below. Note: these markets mean $200 or 10 cents/word in payment. The exception is in the sci-fi realm where professional rates are 6 cents/word and up.
KANSAS! is a four-color magazine published by Kansas Tourism, under the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism. The publication promotes tourism in the state with an emphasis on travel articles. KANSAS! is published quarterly. All subjects must be Kansas-related and must reflect the state positively. The magazine works at least one year in advance on articles.
OCM features stories of regional interest, written in a clear, crisp style that is rich in anecdotes and quotes. Thoroughness and accuracy in details, history, and background are essential. Include in a sidebar brief information, if applicable, that allows and motivates readers to follow in your footsteps: how to get to a featured destination, nearby places of interest or accommodations, opening and closing times of attractions, and how to obtain additional information. Payments for published stories are based on the quality and length of the finished story. Payment runs about 25 cents/word, depending on the category.
We often plan features more than a year before they’re published, although we can fit in shorter pieces for our front-of-book and back-of-book sections more quickly. We publish Canadian Geographic six times a year and the Canadian Geographic Travel section twice a year, and that means we only buy about 28 feature stories a year. Pays up to $1/word.
Little India publishes several freelance articles in every issue. Articles from India should have a strong overseas Indian or NRI or expat hook. We consider feature articles, columns, commentaries and essays. Our feature articles are strongly sourced and packed with hard information: interviews with key sources, relevant statistics, anecdotal evidence. Our columns, commentaries and essays are written from a distinctive point of view and we encourage hard analysis as well as strong, even controversial and provocative viewpoints in opinion writing. Features and essays typically range from 900 to 2,500 words. Columns and commentaries run from 800-1,200 words. Pays around 25 cents/word.
Reporters may pitch us on a rolling basis by emailing a story idea (no finished stories, please) and clips or links to our Managing Editor, Brent Cunningham, at We are a news organization that commissions and produces stories. We contract with writers and retain non-exclusive distribution rights to the story. In essence, we act as a co-publisher with a print, broadcast or online outlet. While we require publication experience, part of our mission is to work with young reporters in a mentorship capacity, so special consideration will be given to those who fit into this category. However, we also prioritize working with reporters with long track records and solid experience in our focus areas.
We pay eight cents a word (with a $500 cap), and two cents a word for reprints. We illustrate ALL stories we publish, and we think we’re doing a pretty bang-up job with that. Our story limit is 3,500 words, but MEMBERS can submit up to 12,500 word stories. We’re looking for good stories, measured both by the quality of the writing and the skill in storytelling. We prefer prose that elicits emotion: make us laugh or cry, think or consider, anything on the edge or in between. Though we don’t charge for submissions, you do need to subscribe to our magazine (free) – this is how we publish our stories, and where you’ll see yours in digital print. Sample submission letter/email on website.
Deadline March 12, 2025. “From the Desk of Amy Suto” is a Substack page commissioning a 500-word personal essay from a writer, and the rate is $500. The topic is this: what was a moment when you had a “writing breakthrough” in your career? This could be a particular project, a creative burst of inspiration, or something else. Seeking a story that plants the reader in a scene or moment, and gives visceral descriptions as well as a bird’s-eye-view reflection. Only one story will be selected for publication.
Yankee covers all six New England states — Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont — with an emphasis on what is happening in the region today. Yankee welcomes professional, detailed pitches for longer reported narratives (3,000–5,000 words) as well as for shorter features related to home, food, or travel. We also will consider personal essays related to the New England experience, especially essays of 600-800 words. We do not accept poetry, fiction, or cartoons. Email submissions are preferred:
Longreads accepts pitches for original nonfiction work from writers and journalists around the world. The hallmark of a Longreads story is its ability to sustain a reader’s curiosity for the duration. Most of our published features run between 2,000 and 6,000 words. We accept pitches for researched and critical essays, or combinations thereof. Rates start at $500. We also publish personal essays, but are not able to commission them based on a pitch. We’ll gladly consider your full, polished draft. We look for smart, unexpected angles and compelling voices across a wide range of topics. Our rate for personal essays is $500.
If you are a travel writer, or hoping to get into the industry, we offer a number of ways you can contribute to 101 Holidays. We pay between £50 and £100 per article published, depending on its length and complexity. We tend not to publish first-person travelogues. Most articles we publish are between 800 and 1,500 words.
The magazine is an enterprise of the New Mexico Tourism Department, who strives to make potential visitors aware of our state’s multicultural heritage, climate, environment and uniqueness. We’re looking for story ideas about New Mexico experiences, with opinionated storytelling and a first-person point of view when appropriate. The story should capture a place in such a way that readers are inspired to follow in the writer’s footsteps. Pay is roughly 35-40 cents per word.
RIDE TEXAS® is a journalism award-winning travel magazine for motorcyclists. We publish work that emphasizes storytelling using compelling photography and engaging narrative. Our focus is regional and includes travel within Texas and into the neighboring states. Pay estimated at 25 cents/word.
As the industry’s leading publication for over two decades, we want to remind you all that we are more than just another magazine. HQ goes directly to head/smoke shops, adult shops, gift/novelty stores, hydroponic outlets, cannabis dispensaries, convenience stores, and similar retailers throughout the U.S. and Canada. HQ has a monthly circulation of approximately 12,000 and a readership of approximately 38,000. Pays ten cents/word. Looking for talented freelance writers to cover such topics as cannabis culture, accessories, products, science, legality, kratom, CBD, hemp, etc.
Compensation varies depending on the quality of the article and if accompanying images are acceptable to include. Payment is typically $100 to $200 for feature submissions, and $50 to $100 for short fillers. Maximum feature article length is 1,500 words. Short filler-type submissions ranging from 100 to 500 words are also considered. Escapees magazine contributors are RVers interested in sharing the RV lifestyle.
Subjects include athletes/adventurers/climbers/surfers, undiscovered trails and places, national and wildlife parks, fitness, ecotourism, wilderness conservation, outdoor gear, adventurous experiences, outdoor education and training institutions, trips and expeditions. Our stories are meant to be inspirational and instructional for the doer, and aspirational for the armchair athlete. Our pieces range from 800 to 2000 words. If it is an exceptional story, it could run up to 6000 words, or possibly even more. Our blogs are never more than 400 words. Our reviews would rarely exceed more than 750 words.
Our team of editors and writers are constantly seeking out what’s new and exciting in the South from travel to recipes from decoration to events. Pays well but negotiates with each writer.
Deadline August 30, 2025. We are now collecting stories for another collection of funny stories and we want to hear from you! This new book is scheduled to be published in 2026. We are looking for stories about something that happened to you or someone close to you, the kind of stories that get you and your listeners laughing when you tell them. Rat out your spouse. Share that funny thing your kid said. Tell us that hilarious thing that happened when your relatives did… yeah, that thing. We want to hear about your family, your friends, your colleagues… and most importantly, that embarrassing thing that you did. Laughing at ourselves is the best! Limit 1200 words. Pays $250 and ten copies.
Submit fiction pieces up to 5,000 words. Flash fiction welcome, but only one piece at a time. No previously published work (online or in print). Simultaneous submissions are okay. Honorarium is $300, regardless of length. Submit nonfiction pieces up to 5,000 words. Flash nonfiction welcome, but only one piece at a time. No previously published work (online or in print). Simultaneous submissions are okay. Honorarium is $300, regardless of length. Submit up to five pages of poems. No previously published work (online or in print). Simultaneous submissions are okay. Honorarium is $100, regardless of length. Submissions also are open year round for Fiction, Poetry and Nonfiction for our biannual issues!
Fiction and Nonfiction: $350. Poetry and Postscripts: $75 per piece. The New Quarterly publishes Short Fiction, Poetry, Postscripts, and Nonfiction. The New Quarterly has a range of nonfiction series that focus on the writing life: Day Jobs, In Conversation, On Writing, Soundings, The Writer at Large, and Word & Image. We seek to nurture emerging writers by publishing and promoting their work alongside established writers, whose works are familiar and respected in the Canadian literary arena.
Submission dates: Feb 1-28, 2025 all genres, Apr 1-30, 2025 special call for Wilderness Horror; all other genres accepted in open call, May 1-31, 2025 open to reprints & special call for Family-centered spec fic, Jul 1-31, 2025 TBD, Oct 1-31, 2025 TBD. We are looking for complete 500- to 1000-word stories with crisp prose, well-developed characters, compelling plots, and satisfying resolutions. We publish across many genres, including speculative (science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and horror) and literary fiction.
Please submit only one prose manuscript or up to five poems for each issue. We pay $200 for each piece that we publish (or $50 for each poem we publish). We are generally looking for pieces that are between 1,000 and 5,000 words. TOPIC: Things (submission period January 1, 2025-March 1, 2025 at 9 am Eastern Time or until the submission cap of 300 is met).
A magazine dedicated to global South Asians. You do not have to be South Asian to write for them, but you should have an interest and curiosity in South Asian news and culture. Our editorial sections include (but are not limited to): Culture, History, Food, Business, Science + Health, Politics, Technology. Your reporting should follow our editorial tone — smart, nuanced, and skeptical. We assign reported features (1300-2000 words) and the occasional column (op-eds, essays, photo essays). Please include a hed/title, dek/subtitle, angle, and (brief!) description of the story you want to tell, a few sentences on how you plan to report it, and links to previous articles you’ve published. Pitches without this information will be harder to approve. Takes up to two weeks to respond. Pays $250 and up for articles.
Merganser Magazine is a free online literary magazine, featuring an array of fiction, poetry, and visual art. Anything longer than 2,000 words is likely a hard sell. For prose, we pay the SFWA standard rate $0.08 USD per word. For poetry, we pay $1 USD per line.
Topics are news articles, explainers, D.C.-centric features, and columns like Ask A D.C. Native, the Wilson Building Bulletin, Arts and Eats, and Weekend Events. This publication is all about Washington DC. They purchase five freelance pieces per month. Pays $200 to $1,000.
We’re always looking for voice-driven pieces that feature lived experiences of neurodivergence. We’re interested in 500-700 word articles on travel, beauty, home design, work and career, product reviews–anything that falls under the umbrella of Neurodivergent Living. Longer, researched articles are typically commissioned, but if you have a great idea, send it our way. We’re also interested in 800-1000 word first-person narratives that showcase the diversity of opinion and experience with neurodivergence. Rates start at $300 for short articles, $500 for longer researched and/or first-person pieces. We’re especially excited for pitches that include photos. Send pitches to Be sure to include “PITCH” in your subject line.
Deadline May 30, 2025. Our pets give us a reason to get up in the morning and a reason to come home at night. In return for our care, pets provide us with unconditional love, affection and loyalty. Plus lots of laughs and entertainment! Send us your inspirational, heartwarming, powerful, funny and silly stories about your pets. If your story is chosen, you will receive a check for $250 and 10 free copies of your book.
Deadline February 13, 2025. We’re looking for stories about the weirdest things you or someone you know has gotten into and how it turned your life upside down, brought unexpected joy or changed the path of their career forever. Theme: My Secret Obsession. These can be first-person pieces about your own experience or reported stories. Pay starts at $750 with room to go up for more ambitious stories. Looking for stories around the same length as our typical features, between 3,000 and 6,000 words.
Current’s primary audience is made up of people who work at public radio and television stations, networks and production companies. We generally pay 75 cents/word for freelance assignments, though rates may vary for certain article formats such as Q&As. Submit your pitch to The website lists ideas they are particularly interested in.
The Sick Times is accepting pitches for reported news stories and essays/commentary pieces. We take pitches, not full (already written) drafts on spec. We prioritize pitches from people with Long COVID and related diseases. To pitch us, email We generally respond to pitches within two weeks; if your pitch is more time-sensitive, include that in the subject line. We pay $1300 for news features of 1200-1500 words and publish 2-3 of these stories per month.
Deadline February 9, 2025. Unbias the News is a Berlin-based international news outlet that covers underreported topics and seeks to break down barriers in the field of journalism. We are currently seeking migration and environment pitches. We pay 500 euros per story for reportage. Multiple authors can apply to work together on a cross-border or collaborative piece: all authors are paid equally (i.e. 500 euros each). We pay 250 euros for first-person narratives and opinion pieces.
Deadline February 9, 2025. Seeking surprising, thoughtful stories that inspire readers to think about old clothes in new ways, and that go beyond “why thrifting is more sustainable/ethical/fun/personal than fast fashion”—you can already assume Mildew readers are passionate about re-use. Send pitches to Ellen at and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Kernel 5 is all about RULES. Everything set, prescribed, enforced, and broken. It is the third of Kernel’s named themes, following SUSTAIN and LUCK. Essay: short (1000-2000 words, $250) or long (3000+ words, $350). Software criticism: up to 2000 words, $250.
Interview: $200. For fiction and poetry, please specify if you are interested in your piece being workshopped/edited or if it is a final/completed piece. Compensation will be $50-300 depending on the scale of the piece.
Pride Source Media is a Michigan-based multi-tiered media company. We are interested in telling stories of survival and perseverance that reflect our tenacious LGBTQ+ community by highlighting stories of intersectionality and the complexity of our identities. Columns/essays $100-$125; News features, other news/pop culture reporting $100-$250.
Rest of World’s stories aim to connect the dots across a rapidly evolving digital world, through on-the-ground reporting in places typically overlooked and underestimated. We cover most of the countries outside the West, with a focus and presence in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Payment known up to $750 to $1,000 or fifty cents/word.
We welcome original essay submissions from anyone with a Colorado connection, whether you’ve published a book or not. We’re interested in thoughtful, timely, pertinent, well-written essays that tell a true story in a compelling way. Send essays for possible publication to the editor and be sure to include a note explaining your Colorado connection. Ideal length is 800-1,200 words. We pay on publication: $150. Reviews and Features generally range from 700-1,200 words in length. We pay on publication: $150.
We welcome your ideas for stories in upcoming issues of American Craft! American Craft celebrates the diversity and ingenuity of craft in America and its makers. From handcrafted pieces we use in our homes and wear every day, to the fine craft honored in museums and the way communities come together around it to make a difference, we cover work that inspires us to think differently, appreciate our surroundings, and connect with our fellow humans. Stories are generally assigned at 400–2,000 words. Our pay is $.50–$1.00/word, depending on the assignment.
Briarpatch Magazine publishes writing and artwork on a wide range of topics, including current events, grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, ecology, labour, food security, gender equity, Indigenous struggles, international solidarity, and other issues of political importance. $150 – Profiles, short essays, reviews and reading lists, online-only articles, and parting shots (generally 1,500 words or less). $250 – Feature stories (generally 1,500-2,000 words) and photo essays. $350 – Research-based articles and investigative reporting with extensive primary research (generally 2,000-2,500 words). (NOTE: These are Canadian rates.)
We work with highly-qualified parenting writers and journalists to create quality content that’s science-backed and filled with reassuring advice from leading parenting experts—from pediatricians and child psychologists to OB-GYNs and doulas. For every topic we cover, we strive to find the best writer—whether that’s someone with relevant expertise or real-life experience. We’re always looking for experienced and qualified writers with expertise in family and parenting topics. Email us at
The focus of Trails is on backpacking and other human/naturally-powered means of sleeping outdoors: bikepacking, canoe camping, even things like rafting or mountaineering are fair game (feel free to be creative with those criteria—we covered “skatepacking” in Issue One). We also primarily focus on North American destinations. We pay our writers a minimum of $0.50/word—that climbs based on the story and your experience.
The Logic is one of Canada’s leading sources of business and technology news. We publish in-depth reporting on the businesses, people and policies that are moving the country forward. We prioritize reporting, but will consider pitches for fact-based essays that engage with a newsworthy idea or issue. We will consider pitches for excerpts from forthcoming books on business and technology. We do not currently accept freelance opinion pieces. Staff stories range from 350 words to 2,500 words or more. Freelance stories, which don’t tend to be breaking news, range from 700 words to 2,500 words. Our usual per-word rate is $1 CAD.
We’re interested in a wide range of topics within culture, spanning trends, subcultures, and niche interests across music, fashion, film, technology, literature, and more. The ideal balance is a perspective that is distinctive, but still broadly relatable to a diverse audience. Pays 50 cents/word and up.
At Restart, we’re focused on entertaining, high-quality gaming content readers can’t find anywhere else. While we have a team of full-time writers, we’re also looking to engage freelancers for reviews and other feature pieces. The final rate for each piece will be determined by the article type, but you can expect the average to be $200.
Contingent is a magazine about history and the process of doing history. We prioritize pitches from people who have completed postgraduate work in history (or a history-adjacent field) and are working outside the tenure-track professoriate. Reviews are roughly 1,000 to 1,500 words; the base pay is $250. Shorter pieces, roughly 800 to 1,500 words (or a comic/video/multimedia work of equivalent scope). The base pay for a short is $300. Mini essays roughly 200 to 500 words pay $150. Features of 2000-3000 pay $500. More columns and categories.
Deadline February 10, 2025. American Craft celebrates the diversity and ingenuity of craft in America and its makers. We feature work—in clay, wood, glass, textiles, metal, and more—that improves our lives and shapes our communities. Special coverage: Jewelry, fashion, craft collections for the next deadline. Stories are generally assigned at 400–2,000 words. Our pay is $.50–$1.00/word, depending on the assignment.
We cover everything from fascinating archaeological discoveries from ancient Egypt, to bizarre ancient sea monsters, to wild theories about the birth and death of the universe. News pitches should be no more than 100 words. News articles are typically between 300 and 600 words. News analysis pieces should be fewer than 1,000 words. News features are stories of no more than 2,000 words that answer a larger question or cover a broad change in a scientific field. Expect 20 cents/word or more.
Topics range from personal Jewish experiences, reviews of Jewish media, your search for the NJP (Nice Jewish Person) and much more. If you have a solid idea, we have the outlet. We appreciate community voices and happily pay our freelance writers $50-100 per article that we share with our growing audience. In addition to being published on, your article will be shared on our social media channels and in our weekly emailed news digest. Word count 500-750 words.
Dialogue Earth is an independent non-profit platform dedicated to bringing compelling environmental stories from local voices to audiences around the world. We publish reporting, opinion and analysis in English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, and Bengali. We welcome pitches for articles between 1,000 and 1,500 words from journalists and experts. We will work with writers to develop their stories and do not accept pre-written pieces. Please send a brief initial outline of no more than 300 words to one of the editors listed. Fees for journalism are based on competitive market rates in the author’s region.
Deadline March 31, 2025. We are excited to be collecting stories for a new book that will include pets of all kinds. Of course we want stories about your dogs and cats, but we are expanding to include stories about all kinds of pets. From backyard to barnyard; from couch to coop; from aquatic to aerial; from indoor to outdoor; from fins to fur to feathers — we want to hear about all your pets. Pays $250 for up to 1,200 words written in first person, along with ten copies of the book that contains the story.
The Lit Fox Poetry Series is a new publication featuring one exceptional poem per quarter. Payment is $150, and the selected poem will be our top featured poem for three months. Please send 1-5 poems to with a brief bio and the subject line as “Lit Fox Poetry Series.”
We define Flash Fiction as anything under 1000 words and pay $0.10 a word. We currently pay a flat rate of $100 per poem, and love poetry that aligns with our tastes in fiction. Weird, chilling, upsetting, thoughtful.
The Globe and Mail’s Saturday Opinion section, which regularly publishes some of the leading writers in the world, is always looking for pitches: Anything from 700-word columns to 7,000-word reported essays. Pitch Mark Ledley at Rates are generally $300-$400 for a 750-word op-ed. More for longer pieces.
he G&LR accepts unsolicited manuscripts and proposals on all LGBT-related topics. Especially sought are proposals on the following themes for issues in development: The Gossip Issue: Unearthed scandals of the past, The State of LGBT Rights: What’s next for the movement? and The Travel Issue: The role of travel in LGBT culture. he G&LR publishes nonfiction and poetry—but not short fiction, personal memoirs, or journals. Contributors of original feature articles receive a flat fee of $250, or may choose to waive this fee, as well as the option to give up to four gift subscriptions to parties of their choice. Contributors of full-length book reviews can request $100 in addition to giving four gift subscriptions. All contributors receive a complimentary subscription, plus a few copies of the issue in which their article appeared.
Tagg Magazine is an online publication founded on the belief that all queer women deserve to see themselves reflected in queer media. We celebrate the diversity of the sapphic community and feature writing across various gender identities, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, socioeconomic classes, physical abilities, mental abilities, and life experiences. We are a small digital publication and aim to publish short-form content of 1200 words or less about three times per week. Our pieces are about 350-1000 words long and we pay $75-175 per piece.
Deadline April 30, 2025. We are looking for stories about something that happened to you or someone close to you, the kind of stories that get you and your listeners laughing when you tell them. Rat out your spouse. Share that funny thing your kid said. Tell us that hilarious thing that happened when your relatives did… yeah, that thing. We want to hear about your family, your friends, your colleagues… and most importantly, that embarrassing thing that you did. Laughing at ourselves is the best! Pays $250 for up to 1,200 words written in first person, along with ten copies of the book that contains the story.
We pay our authors $100 for original flash and $200 for original short fiction and creative nonfiction. We do not charge submission fees, but are highly selective in what we choose to publish. Flash Fiction, for work up to 1,000 words. (See submission form for details about microfiction.) Short Fiction, for work up to 6,000 words. Flash Creative Nonfiction, for work up to 1,000 words. (See submission form for details about microessays.) Creative Nonfiction, for work up to 6,000 words.
Pays $400 to $1,000. See chart on website for what they pay for each type of writing. PublicSource is Pittsburgh’s home for impactful journalism and community-driven storytelling. Through in-depth reporting and analysis alongside diverse perspectives, our nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization serves and engages the people of Southwestern Pennsylvania. We strive to empower our audience with the knowledge and understanding needed to make informed decisions and drive positive change, on a personal level and within broader systems.
Here at JoySauce, we make space for vibrant, unforgettable stories full of nuance and contradictions, to celebrate the tapestry of narratives that make up Asian America, which is not a monolith but a mosaic, an archipelago, a teeming forest. Please email us at with a well written 2-3 paragraph pitch that tells us about the unique story you want to tell, the format in which you’d like to tell it, and why you are the right person for the job. We pay writers a flat rate of $300-$700 per story, dependent on experience and required research/interviewing/etc. Rate will be negotiated at time of assignment.
The Wire is a digital news magazine dedicated to understanding and explaining one of the biggest stories of our time: China’s economic rise, and its influence on global business. We accept pitches only for longform Cover Stories that focus on some aspect of business or economics related to China. These are reported, magazine-style articles that tend to be enterprise or investigative in nature. They run from 2,500 to 3,500 words. Cover Stories do not focus explicitly on political issues. Pays highly competitive rates.
Deadline April 30, 2025. We are seeking stories for an anthology to be titled Mmeory which will collect stories of memory manipulation. To be published in late summer of 2025 by the Air and Nothingness Press. All stories to be between 1000 and 2000 words. Theme: Memory manipulation – Examples include magic spells, cyborg memory edits, very unreliable narrators, time travel gone horribly wrong. We pay $0.08/word for the stories we publish.
Mother Jones is a nonprofit investigative news organization that delivers bold and original multiplatform reporting on the urgent issues of our time, from democracy protection and climate change to extremism and beyond. Our rates are based on a writer’s experience, our experience with the writer, article type, and the difficulty of the reporting and editing required. For print, rates start at $1.75 per word. For online, rates start at $0.75 a word. We pay 1/3 of the fee upon submission of a first draft, and the rest as soon as possible after publication.
HuffPost publishes freelancer work across a wide range of topics. Sections for which we are currently accepting pitches are listed on this web page. Pitches should include a working headline, two to three paragraphs that outline why you think the story matters, with some indication of how you plan to report and tell the story (e.g., sources, key characters or narrative events). Also tell us a little about who you are and why you’re the right person to write this story, and please indicate whether your pitch is timely. Also, you can just a short bio, your rates and your portfolio to, and if our interests align, we’ll get back to you when assignments become available. Pays at least 10-20 cents/word.
The Hearth Magazine features articles, games, and supplemental material for tabletop roleplaying games that are not Dungeons & Dragons, with a particular focus on games from independent and small press creators and publishers. For at least the first year of publication we are looking for submissions to a maximum of 1000 words. Pitches should be emailed to the magazine at and have “PITCH” and your name in the subject line. The Hearth Magazine pays fifteen (15) cents USD a word to a maximum submission length of 1000 words.
The Revelator, a news and ideas initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity, provides editorially independent reporting, analysis and stories at the intersection of politics, conservation, art, culture, endangered species, climate change, economics and the future of wild species, wild places and the planet. Actively seeking both expert commentaries and freelance journalism. Stories usually run 1,000-1,400 words and pay $300-$500.
We are interested in pitches for short essays (1500-2000 words) that bring us provocative ideas and surprising insights into the intersection of audio documentary practice and the idea of the archive. Original essay pitches should be a maximum of 400 words. Final essays will be 1500-2000 words or less. If your pitch is approved, you’ll be matched with an editorial board member who will provide two rounds of editorial feedback on your piece. $400 honorarium. Q and As/Conversations (written/transcribed) pitches should be a maximum of 400 words. Proposed Interviewees/conversation partners must already have agreed to participate. $200 honorarium.
We are looking to hire multiple talented scriptwriters to join our MegaBuilds team on a long-term basis. You will be responsible for creating informative and engaging scripts that stand out through its storytelling. $300 for a script with 1500-2500 words. $350 for a script over 2500 words. When applying, please submit samples of your previous work. If your application seems suitable for the position, we will ask you to write an individual sample of 400-500 words relevant to our channel. In the final step, we will set up a call to learn a little bit more about you, while we tell you more about our channels and workflow.
For original reporting using primary sources, we have a limited budget to invest in paying freelance writers. If you are seeking compensation for a reported article, be sure to specify this in your pitch. We currently use a tiered system for compensating writers in which depth of research, originality of sources, and timeliness are all taken into consideration. Deeply reported long articles could earn as much as $400 in our current compensation system. The Urbanist’s mission is to tell stories that inform and influence the public and their leaders — and win them to our vision of people-centered communities in the Puget Sound region.
We are currently taking pitches for news feature stories, opinion pieces as well as movie and book reviews. 801 words and up — $300. 600 to 800 words — $200. Op-eds 800 to 1,000 words — $200. Film, TV, and book reviews 800 words and up — $200. Pitches can be sent to Clemente Lisi, who serves as executive editor, at We cover religion in public life and in people’s lives.
Are currently seeking pitches for book-related features under 1,500 words (reviews and excerpts), or op-eds under 1,000 words. Corruption in science? Academic discrimination? Research censorship? Government cover-ups? Undark wants to hear about it. Pays roughly 60 cents/word.
Clarkesworld Magazine is a Hugo, World Fantasy, and British Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction. Word limit 1000-22000 words, no exceptions. Pays 12¢ per word. Accepts stories from all over the world.
When it comes to freelance pitches, we’re interested in long-form narratives, deeply reported service pieces and personal essays that offer a compelling point of view, a personal story behind the news, a unique story rooted in the ideas of house/home or a deep-dive guide into a topic that will help improve readers’ everyday lives. Pays over thirty cents/word.
Type Investigations is a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to transforming the field of independent investigative journalism. We cover the most urgent stories within a wide range of topic areas, including racial and economic justice, climate and environmental health, and civil and human rights. Our work is focused on systems, policies, and powerful entities, and we are committed to elevating stories from the communities most affected by wrongdoing. Written features generally run between 3,000 and 5,000 words — though we do publish articles that are shorter and longer. Typical budgets range from $3,000 to $6,000 (including travel and other reporting expenses, as well as the reporting fee).
Positive News publishes good journalism about good things. We’re seeking unique pitches for the next quarterly print edition of Positive News magazine and, on an ongoing basis, for Payment is usually 30p/word.
We have two publication formats: our print edition and our online edition. Main articles for the print edition are usually around 3000-4500 words, while online articles are usually 1200-2400 words. Current Affairs is 100% free of any advertorials and infotainment (except of the satirical variety), and we publish clever, unique, well-researched stories that rags like the Economist and Time fear to cover. Pays $200 for online and $300 for print.
First Person columns are personal stories and experiences of Canadians, in their own words. This is intended to showcase a more intimate storytelling perspective, and allow people from across the country to share what they have lived through. Limit 600 to 700 words. CBC Edmonton specifically pays $560 flat rate for a First Person piece.
As a freelance financial aid writer for BestColleges, you will craft original content covering a variety of financial topics relevant to higher education, including blog posts and resource guides related to planning and saving for college, paying for college and college budgeting, applying for financial aid, types of financial aid, loan refinancing and consolidation, etc. Additional opportunities to cover general higher education topics (degrees, career planning, student life, etc.) if desired. Compensation starts at $100 for every 500 words.
The Iowa Review looks for the best poetry, fiction, and nonfiction being written today and is often pleased to introduce new writers. Non-contest fiction and poetry manuscripts are welcome from August 1 to October 1 only. Non-contest nonfiction manuscripts are welcome from August 1 to November 1. The page limit for prose is 25 pages and for poetry is 8 pages (query by e-mail if you have a longer poem). Prose submissions should be double-spaced. We pay $1.50 per line for poetry ($100 minimum) and $0.08 per word for prose ($100 minimum).
New Lines Magazine publishes essays and reportage on a wide range of subjects that focus broadly on the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. We also cover politics, culture and controversies in the United States, Europe, Latin America, Russia and Central Asia, and conduct deep-dive investigative journalism based on open-source intelligence and leaked data. Danny Postel, Politics Editor at New Lines Magazine,, is looking for pitches on the U.S. election. Looking for genuinely original stories, political/cultural reportage, personal essays, think pieces and historical takes on America from fresh, unexpected angles. Rates are basically $800 per article, whatever the length — unless it’s for our Spotlight series (, which is typically for shorter pieces (we pay $600 for those).
The Margins is open year-round to pitches and submissions of critical essays on Asian American literature, film, visual art, and culture. We specifically seek essays that—through close engagement with art—might challenge the Asian American community to think or act in a new way. Send pitches of up to 500 words or drafts from 1,500-3,000 words to Spencer Quong, criticism editor, at Known to pay up to $450 per article.
Every story we publish has a strong Texas focus and/or features Texans. We’re looking for well-reported stories of varying lengths, as well as visual stories, essays, and thoughtful commentary. We value great storytelling, humor, vivid characters, distinctive voices, and fresh perspectives. We’re particularly interested in stories from outside of Austin, where we’re based. Our standard print rate is $1/word.
CATALYST is a newsprint magazine that has served as Salt Lake City’s resource for creative living since 1982. We’re always on the lookout for great local writers, both to take story assignments from our editor as well as to present us with stories and story ideas. We are most interested in pieces on the following topics: Arts, Environmental Issues, Sustainability, Progressive Politics, Health, Spirituality, Healthy/Organic Food, Transportation (alternative, etc.), Gardening/Food Security.
Opinion pieces, reported stories, personal essays, works of humor, illustrated narratives, breakfast-y profiles of people, original breakfast recipes, how-tos and unusual points of view on the beloved morning meal are all welcome. We don’t do restaurant reviews.
Wild Peach Magazine publishes work by unpublished and emerging creators, and features profiles and interviews with all kinds of people that thoughtfully explore the varying approaches to being a human. We publish narrative non-fiction, reviews, flash fiction, and short stories. For fiction, we accept all/most genres; we look for character-driven pieces. Pays $100-500 for essays, $100-500 for fiction stories, $25 for poems, $50 for reviews, $50-700 for original art/comics/illustrations/photos. $25-200 for reprints.
We publish flash fiction in the genres of speculative fiction, specifically science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, super hero, or any combination of these. We accept stories up to 1,000 words. Fiction is paid at a rate of eleven (11) U.S. cents per word.
SmokeLong publishes flash narratives-fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid (somewhere between fiction and non-fiction)-up to 1000 words. We do not consider poetry. We now pay $100/story or $150/story with audio, upon publication in the quarterly issue.
We accept flash fiction of 1,000 words or fewer. We’re a little more lenient on word count for reprints than originals: our limit there is 1,100 words. We’re looking for speculative fiction with elements not of this world: fantasy, science fiction, horror. Our very favorite stories are those that don’t rely on a twist or gotcha ending. We love stories with big feelings, and don’t necessarily mind set pieces with very little plot. Original flash fiction: $0.10/word. Reprint flash fiction: $0.01/word or $10, whichever is more.
Epic publishes extraordinary true stories that get noticed. More than 50 of our articles have been optioned by Hollywood, including Argo, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture, and the 2023 Sundance winner Radical. Around 5,000 words, but see the website. Pays up to $1-2/word.
We cover the most urgent stories within a wide range of topic areas, including racial and economic justice, climate and environmental health, and civil and human rights. Our work is focused on systems, policies, and powerful entities, and we are committed to elevating stories from the communities most affected by wrongdoing. Written features generally run between 3,000 and 5,000 words — though we do publish articles that are shorter and longer. Typical budgets range from $3,000 to $6,000 (including travel and other reporting expenses, as well as the reporting fee) and are based on the submission of a detailed reporting plan. We pay a portion of the fee upfront.
Lux is a feminist magazine of politics and culture. We publish established and emerging writers and artists, delivering their work to readers in over a dozen countries. Pays up to a dollar per word, depending on the reporting. Pitches should be sent to
Politico Magazine is always looking for smart, timely journalism aimed at a broad, but well-informed audience with a deep interest in politics. We publish both original reporting and distinctive opinion journalism that illuminate the people, ideas and institutions that matter most in American politics and government. Pays 60 cents/word roughly.
We are seeking talented journalists to craft compelling stories on important environmental and sustainable development issues across Southeast Asia. Length: 1,000-1200 words per article. Rates are $380 USD per article.
Intervenxions accepts pitches on a rolling basis—except for scheduled publishing breaks in the summer (June and July) and winter (December and early January). Intervenxions publishes reviews, criticism, reporting, interviews, and essays on U.S. Latinx art, politics, and culture between 1,500 and 2,500 words. Currently, we do not publish fiction or poetry, or personal essays, unless they tie into a broader theme. Pays $300-400.
Fostering Families Today is a magazine for resource families and kin caregivers, and Youth Voice is a journalism training program for young people with lived experience in foster care or youth justice systems. The writer will be responsible for creating compelling op-eds related to child welfare, using their lived experience to inform their writing. The daily tasks include conducting research, drafting op-eds, collaborating with the editorial team, and meeting deadlines. Pays $250 per piece. MUST live in California, New York, Minnesota, Washington and/or identify as Indigenous.
H&E Naturist magazine has an established editorial team and a series of regular contributors, but is always seeking fresh and invigorating naturist and naked-themed material for the only commercially distributed monthly naturist magazine in the world. Payment is in GBP sterling by bank transfer unless otherwise agreed. Expect 10-20 cents/word range. (After converted from sterling.)
We cover the most urgent stories within a wide range of topic areas, including racial and economic justice, climate and environmental health, and civil and human rights. Our work is focused on systems, policies, and powerful entities, and we are committed to elevating stories from the communities most affected by wrongdoing. Written features generally run between 3,000 and 5,000 words — though we do publish articles that are shorter and longer. Typical budgets range from $3,000 to $6,000 (including travel and other reporting expenses, as well as the reporting fee) and are based on the submission of a detailed reporting plan. We pay a portion of the fee upfront.
Hey Alma topics include pop culture, news, politics, feminism, identity, rituals, dating, and holidays — all through a Jewish lens. Seeks pieces between 700-1100 words. Expect ten cents/word and up.
EHRP is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that produces compelling journalism on economic inequality in America. We give grants to independent journalists reporting on issues related to poverty, economic class, workers’ rights, and income disparity in the U.S., and co-publish their work in partnership with major media outlets. Many of our contributors are journalists struggling to financially sustain themselves in the increasingly low-paying media industry. We commission news stories, narrative features, investigative reports, documentaries, nonfiction comics, illustrated works, photo essays, podcasts and radio features about economic inequality in the United States. News stories, $800–1,500. Narrative features, $1–1.25/word, capped at $2,500. Personal essays or op-eds, $750–1,500, depending on your experience and the amount of reporting involved. First-time contributors to EHRP typically receive $750. Investigative reports, $1–1.25/word, capped at $2,500. Because of the size of documentaries, we tend to only partially fund them on a small scale, typically supporting short documentaries up to $5,000.
Next City publishes news stories reported and written by journalists, and op-eds written by academics and practitioners in the fields we cover: urban policy, planning, housing, economic development, transportation, tech, environmental sustainability, arts and urban culture, health and safety, and design. We are not currently accepting freelance pitches for news stories, except for solutions-oriented reported news stories about transportation, housing, urban policy and abortion access, community development financial institutions, and Indigenous-led development. Most of our news stories are currently published by our staff, reporting fellows and interns. Our typical flat rate for freelance stories is $400 USD. Please send pitches to managing editor Aysha Khan ( with the word “Pitch” in the subject line along with a description of your story idea. We offer a small $100 to $200 USD honorarium for published op-eds.
Upcoming submission periods: August 15–September 15 and December 15–January 15. We want speculative fiction (science fiction or fantasy) and accept horror, but it must have a speculative element. Drabbles (100-word stories EXACTLY). Even though they’re only 100-words, drabbles still need all the essential elements of a story: character, setting, conflict, theme, and plot. Compensation: $8.00 ($0.08 per word) via PayPal.
A pitch is a paragraph-long explainer of a piece you’d like to write or a recipe you’d like to develop (and how you’re going to do that and why we need it on our site). It should include a brief overview of what you intend to achieve, as well as interviews you plan to conduct with sources, and any other relevant details. We pay flat rates, versus per word, based on the anticipated length and amount of work. This ranges from $200 for a short article or standard recipe (plus up to $50 in ingredient reimbursements) to $500-plus for bigger projects.
LateNighter — a new site dedicated to the business of late night TV (past, present, and future). Payments generally range from $50-75 (for short, news-type) stories to $500+ for longform features. Send pitches to Jennifer M. Wood, Editor in Chief at and include “pitch” in the subject line. Am not looking for op-eds or personal essays (unless you are writing from the perspective of someone who works on a late-night show).
We’re interested in running reviews of books that fit Our Whole Thing. We pay $50 to each contributor to our print and online issues, as well as two contributor copies. We have a strong taste for small-press titles, especially books that might not be reviewed anywhere else. We love weird books, hybrid work, and other rare birds. We are extremely unlikely to accept a review of a book by a major publisher (Harper, Random House, Riverhead, etc).
SUCCESS Enterprises is a leading provider of personal and professional development content, dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to achieve their fullest potential. With a rich 127-year history, we offer a wide range of resources, including digital magazines, podcasts, workshops, and membership programs. We are seeking skilled freelance writers to join our stable of freelance writers and deliver relevant, engaging story ideas that complement the SUCCESS brand.
Bolts is always seeking to work with freelancers to report on critical voting rights and criminal justice stories across the United States. We encourage pitches that fit our mission to grow coverage of the local and state politics, elections, policymaking, and organizing that shape these issues—think of county prosecutors and sheriffs, secretaries of state and local election administrators, state legislators, municipal officials, and the activism brewing around them. Most of the stories we publish involve original reporting; the default rate we offer for a story with original reporting is $800.
The Revelator, a news and ideas initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity, provides editorially independent reporting, analysis and stories at the intersection of politics, conservation, art, culture, endangered species, climate change, economics and the future of wild species, wild places and the planet. Payment starts at $300 and goes up to $500.
Rest of World is a non-profit award-winning international publication that challenges expectations about whose experiences with technology matter. Looking for accessible and engaging, rigorously reported and fact-checked stories of between 800-1300 words. Send a clear and concise pitch of no more than 400 words. Flat rate of US$750 plus reporting expenses.
Our signature format at Aeon is the Essay, a longform, deep dive into a topic, generally 2,500-5,000 words, presented from a unique angle, drawing together various strands of knowledge and experience, and written with clarity and verve to make ideas accessible to a curious and intelligent general reader. Pays as much as $1,800 per article.
Theme: Mental Healthcare in a Failing State. We’re interested in publishing several blogs by people with lived experience of mental ill-health, distress and trauma considering the topic of “mental healthcare in a failing state”, and the potential for change. In this context we use the word “state” to mean the Government of the United Kingdom, or, more abstractly, “state” can mean the political and cultural climate which works across multiple institutions and bodies. We welcome discussion of state systems, bodies, and policies/legislation (such as mental health services, the benefits system/the DWP, and hostile environment policies). Payment to the writers of commissioned pieces will be £150.
We are actively seeking pitches for Issue 06: Resistances (Summer 2025) and for our (un-themed) website, where we do not adhere to any theme. Pieces for web are on rolling deadlines; pieces for Issue 06 would be due in December. We commission in many categories, some of which are pretty standard (book and arts reviews, features, political/social reportage, etc.) and some of which are our own (like “Clinical Conflict,” or, anonymous testimony from analysts and patients). Print rates vary depending on length from $500-800. Web rates are a flat $500. We do not publish fiction or poetry. Parapraxis is a print and online magazine of psychoanalysis.
Planetizen has led the city and regional planning discourse for more than two decades, offering intrepid thinkers an opportunity to write and publish for an established platform with a large, passionate audience. At our core, we are a community of planning intelligence that seeks to cut across political and disciplinary boundaries while expanding, informing, and empowering the community of people working to improve the built environment. Planetizen feature stories are longform (1,000–2,500 words). For professional writers (i.e., those for whom writing is their primary source of income), we pay a standard flat fee of $500 per feature or career-related article. Planetizen Courses instructors are compensated $1,250 per 1-hour course and instructors from outside the LA metro region are provided a travel stipend to travel to our studio for filming.
Air Canada enRoute is a travel magazine with a Canadian perspective that speaks to an international readership. Outline your story idea and your approach, writing your pitch in the same tone that you’re proposing for your piece. Please make it specific, with a strong sense of place rather than a travel–guide–style roundup of attractions (restaurants, shopping, hotels, etc.). Pays at least 30 cents/word.
Articles about Houston, TX. Base rate is 50 cents a word, for both digital and print. Deeply reported and longform stories pay up to $1 a word. Sections are Eat&Drink, Arts&Culture, News&City Life, Travel&Outdoors, Home&Real Estate, Style&Shopping, Health&Wellness, Longform.
Seeks workout trends, strength training, yoga, running, walking and Pilates, but open to any good fitness-related stories. Keen on first-person pitches, talking about something you’ve tried, and any stories related to walking. Typically pays $130/£100 for a short, 400-word first person story. More $$ for in-depth researched pieces. Pitch Ruth Gaukrodger, Fitness Editor at
C is interested in writing that addresses art and its various contexts, through emerging perspectives and a mix of editorials, columns, in-depth essays, interviews, artist projects and reviews. Each issue includes articles and reviews commissioned directly by the editors, as well as pieces originating from pitches. We accept pitches on an ongoing basis up until the deadlines indicated for a particular Call for Pitches. Send pitches to, with a subject line that starts with the word PITCH and goes on to indicate the submission type (review, essay, interview, One Thing, for example). Pays up to 45 cents/word.
Runner’s World publishes stories about every aspect of running, from tips on how to get started to human interest pieces to training plans for competitive runners aiming for a new PR, and everything in between. All of our story rates vary and are dependent on story length, required research/reporting, turnaround time, and more. Pays up to a dollar per word.
Birdy is Colorado’s premiere independent art and comedy magazine. We’re ALWAYS looking for short stories, poetry, prose, comedy, humor, satire, interviews, exposés, essays, narratives, opinion articles, commentaries, fiction, nonfiction, flash, activist pieces, historical pieces, research, infographics, how-tos and more. Aim for shorter pieces: 250-1,500 words. However, feel free to send longer stories too (1,500-2500.) We accept submissions up to 3,500 words.
Experience Life is a progressive health/fitness/quality-of-life magazine (we call it “a healthy-way-of-life magazine”). It’s also the membership magazine of Life Time — a large and rapidly growing health and fitness organization with dozens of industry-leading facilities located throughout the country. Each issue of Experience Life includes three in-depth features (2,500 to 3,500 words), plus four departmental neighborhoods of shorter pieces. We also publish several digital-only articles each month on our website, See the themes and deadlines on this page. Excellent guidelines.
The Humane Space is a wellness company that helps people live more meaningful lives through lifelong learning, curiosity, and awe. Through The Humane Space app, we curate multimedia stories and thoughtful daily prompts that feed curiosity and widen perspective, encouraging you to consider the worlds beyond and within. Questions to Each Immerse story is between 500 and 800 words. We can offer $250 for each one. Our editors will choose the Immerse topics and provide brief outlines to write from. We’re looking for several writers to write Immerse stories on an ongoing basis (up to four Immerses a week). If interested, please send a few writing samples that would best align with this project along with a resume and/or cover letter to Carey Dunne at
We want original journalism about London. Pieces between 1,000 to 2,000 words in length, with a rate of £0.30 per word.
Sixty welcomes writers and artists of all experience levels and backgrounds to pitch ideas for traditional and experimental arts writing as well as creative writing around topics and practices that are relevant to the cultural landscapes of the Midwest. Sixty Inches From Center pays a standard rate of $150 per article to writers, photographers, and illustrators.
We’re seeking freelancer story pitches to publish on Gazetteer SF. Stories must be about San Francisco, totally original, and totally different. Beyond that, the City is your oyster. We are particularly looking for food, nightlife, gossip, and opinion pieces. Stories can range from 300-1,500 words and rates range from $300-800. If things go well, we may be looking to commission regular columns and formats.
The majority of the news section of New Scientist magazine is written by staffers but we are always on the lookout for exciting freelance pieces. On the other hand, features are mostly written by freelancers. Looking for science and technology stories from around the world that will intrigue, entertain and inform the widest possible audience, be they physicists, biologists or people with no science background at all. Rates run roughly £660 for 1,200 words.
Mother Jones is a nonprofit investigative news organization that delivers bold and original multiplatform reporting on the urgent issues of our time, from democracy protection and climate change to extremism and beyond. Our rates are based on a writer’s experience, our experience with the writer, article type, and the difficulty of the reporting and editing required. For print, rates start at $1.75 per word. For online, rates start at $0.75 a word. We pay 1/3 of the fee upon submission of a first draft, and the rest as soon as possible after publication.
We are seeking investigative story pitches on NJ issues at The Jersey Vindicator. Email your story pitch to Rates depend on the story but generally $1 a word. We are also hiring our first managing editor and fulltime reporter in the fall. Send us your resume if you are interested in working with us to strengthen democracy in NJ through accountability reporting that empowers citizens. (Thanks to WriteJobsPLUS+ on Patreon)
West End Phoenix is a local periodical community newspaper for Toronto’s West End whose readership stretches across the city and the country. Devoted to telling the stories of diverse, compelling and quickly evolving neighbourhoods, from the Humber River to Spadina and beyond. WEP also mails hundreds of copies across the country and around the world. Pays 50 cents/word CAD.
A space for thoughtful, creative responses to both television programming and the industry that makes it. Seeking a range of voices to contribute to ongoing conversations about the industry and significant cultural discussions about TV programmes. Contributors are invited to produce pieces of reflective writing (with a guide of 1000-2000 words) with additional scope for original formats e.g., illustrations, poems. We are open to longer pieces should the topic and pitch warrant it. As a guide Reflections typically offers £100 per 1,000 published words.
THE VERTICAL COLUMN – The Vertical is rooted in the belief that to fight the growing inequities and systemic oppression and injustice, the movements across South Asia and the world have to be connected, the voices amplified through solidarities. Our context might be unique but the goals are common. Must have a degree of urgency, news-worthiness, or lack of local and/or international coverage, to indicate their importance. Each piece in The Vertical is remunerated a flat fee of USD$200.
High Country News covers the West in all its complexity. We seek diverse narratives and original reporting that help illuminate the wonders and challenges of living in the Western U.S. in the 21st century. Our stories tend to be rooted in place, and they often fall at or near the intersection of social and environmental issues, while also fitting into one or more of our five main coverage areas: climate change; land, waters and wildlife; Indigenous affairs; justice and equity; and Western life, culture and politics. HCN pays $1/word for reported content and .50/word for essays and reviews.
We’re looking for freelance science writers, journalists, and multimedia creators with a strong portfolio in science communication to pitch us story ideas about the brain and nervous system. We pay a flat rate for assignments based on roughly a dollar (USD) per word. We assign long (1000-1200 words), medium (700-900 words), and short-form (500-800 words) written and multimedia stories.
Inkcap Journal publishes a small number of stories from journalists and writers. We are interested in reported features, interviews and essays. Pitches should reflect Inkcap’s focus on the environment in Britain: England, Wales and Scotland. We generally pay between £100-300 per story, depending on its complexity and the level of reporting involved.
Our editorial content is divided into the following four sections. See the editorial theme list.
News & Trends: brief articles (500-1,200 words) that keep our readers abreast of pertinent information in the writing and publishing industries.
The Literary Life: essays (1,500-2,500 words) on the more contemplative aspects of writing, ranging from creative process to the art of reading.
The Practical Writer: advice and how-to articles (1,500-2,500 words) that offer nuts and bolts information about the business of creative writing.
Features: profiles of and interviews with (2,000-3,000 words) contemporary writers who reflect the rich diversity of current American literature. Other features include articles and essays (2,000-3,000 words), frequently grouped into special sections, that provide an in-depth look at subjects of interest to creative writers, such as writers conferences and residencies, small presses, regional writing, and the distinctions of genre.
A magazine that focuses on powerful stories of global adventure. Literary long forms are the basis for the magazine. Photography needs to be included. Feature stories range 1,000 to 3,000 words. Essays are 500 to 1,000 words. Thoughts and Opinions are 250 to 1,000 words. Other categories available as well. Strong paying publication. Starting pay is $150, open to negotiations for experienced writers.
We’re relaunching our worker-owned publication at the intersection of music and anti-capitalism. Pitch us ambitious essays that explore a musical topic about which you’re passionate within a higher lens of critical / theoretical / historical analysis. We also appreciate entertaining / humorous / unconventional essays that nevertheless reveal something profound about their topic. Full pitch guide online. Contact: if any questions. Pays 10 cents/word.
Many of our readers range in age from pre-teens the to late twenties, but we attract readers beyond this group, too. Teen Vogue is accepting both reported and op-ed pitches across our four sections – Culture, Identity, Style, and Politics.
Multiple freelance writers needed in tech, marketing, wealth management and more. Articles pay $140. We want writers who can publish at least 20 articles per month. The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. The Motley Fool reaches millions of people every month through our premium investing solutions, free guidance and market analysis on, top-rated podcasts, and non-profit The Motley Fool Foundation.
The Sick Times is accepting pitches for reported news stories and essays/commentary pieces. We take pitches, not full (already written) drafts on spec. We prioritize pitches from people with Long Covid and related diseases. We pay $1200 for news features of 1200-1400 words andy $400 for essays of 1000-1200 words. We’re also looking to build a roster of freelance science/health editors, copyeditors, and fact-checkers who can contribute a few hours of work each month to support our editorial process for feature stories. If you’re interested, similarly please send your resume and a brief email detailing your applicable experience to
Seeks freelance writers outside the Denver metro area (especially in Greeley, Ft. Collins, Durango, and Pueblo). Assignments would include public meetings, political events, reaction/analysis, and gatherings featuring public figures. Posts will be about 500 to 1,500 words. Payment is $250 per article. More for longer projects. Please send a resume and cover letter to email
Make a funny video sketch for us and we’ll pay you $100. Must be about some aspect of living/being in Brooklyn or NYC; and must come from someone who regularly creates/posts funny video sketches on social media. Write a 500 word article for us and we’ll pay you $75. Details for article: 500-1000 words and must be something insightful and original about stand up comedy for us to post to social media.
We often hire freelance writers for book projects, particularly in humor, pop-culture, or other specialized categories, and occasionally for non-book formats with written content, such as decks, guided journals, or other gift products. If you are interested in being considered for contract writing work on our projects, please send your website portfolio address to Please particularly call out any writing with a long-form focus, and if you have a particular field of experience or are passionate about a particular topic, please share.
North Star Editions welcomes applications from authors interested in producing manuscripts on a work-for-hire basis. Under this arrangement, NSE offers a flat fee for a writing project that adheres to specifications we provide. Topics will be assigned by our staff and may include writing under a pen name assigned by NSE.
Looking for freelance writers who can keep Pacific Time office hours to write approximately 300-word news briefs at $35 a pop (usually 1-2 stories a day). We provide the story, you provide the content. Must be able to provide a quick turn around on assignments. Easy cash for writers already working at their desks. Aviation and travel experience or interest a plus. Check us out at
The Blacklight, the NY Amsterdam News’ investigative unit, is looking for experienced freelance journalists. We primarily work with journalists based in the NYC area but we are also open to pitches from journalists based outside the region. However, we require all our freelance journalists to have a minimum of five years of experience AND a connection to, understanding of, or experience reporting on Black and brown communities in the United States and/or New York City. Pays up to $2/word.
Unpacked strives to be a platform that is for Gen Z, by Gen Z. We’re looking to expand our talented team of freelance writers for our new “Gen Z Voices” series, which will highlight your experiences on campus or as recent graduates, cultural commentaries, and reflections on what it means to be Jewish in 2024. We’re looking for articles that “unpack” your perspective on some element of Judaism or Israel that Gen Z is thinking about. Articles are between 800-1,500 words, though it depends on the article. However, we strongly encourage you to pitch us before starting to write your article. Pays $200 and up.
We’re interested in a wide range of topics within culture, spanning trends, subcultures, and niche interests across music, fashion, film, technology, literature, and more. Whether it’s an analysis of emerging music trends, an exploration of avant-garde fashion movements, or a deep dive into how tech is shaping behaviors, we welcome pitches that offer fresh perspectives, thoughtful insights, and engaging narratives. Pays 50 cents/word and up. Particularly looking for editorials at this time.
Everyone at Grow and Convert starts off as a writer. We have folks who stay as writers and others who transition into strategists and execute the rest of our SEO process for clients. But even to be a strategist, you have to start off as a writer. This is because good SEO writing is the backbone of what we do. We pay $500 per article. Writers who choose to take on a reasonable full time work load typically can do 10 – 12 pieces per month, so $5,000 – $6,000 per month. There are no word counts. Our pieces are however long we think we need to rank for the target keyword. That typically ends up being around 1500 – 2500 words.
They post six sample pitches on this site to go by. Defector is an employee-owned sports and culture website. They write about sports, politics, TV, movies, science, weird shit that happens on the internet, and anything else that catches attention. Long essays and journalism pay $1,000. Short pieces $500. Send pitches to
The Rest of World Features section is home for longform, narrative journalism about technology and its impact. Seeking local stories with global implications, which focus on any country except the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Western Europe, and Australia. Features are generally 3,000 words+ in length, and are usually narrative in style. Rates start at $1/word.
The publication provides accurate and important new information about advances in the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic diseases, such as migraine, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and other disorders. In addition, the publication strives to deliver positive messages about wellness and prevention, basic research and clinical trials, and patient stories that emphasize strategies for managing neurologic disorders. Articles vary in length—from 500 words to about 1,500 words. Pays up to 75 cents/word.
Distiller Magazine covers the art, science and business of craft distillation. The editorial staff welcome queries for articles for publication in print magazine and/or online platform. Print features are generally assigned at 1,200-2,000 words. Online stories are generally single-topic, narrow-focus, blog-style articles between 300 and 500 words. Pays a base rate of $0.50/word, or $0.75/word if writers contribute photography that is published with the story.
5280 is the premiere monthly guide to the arts, entertainment, dining, and lifestyle issues in Denver. We accept pitches for our front-of-the-book sections, Compass, Culture, Adventure, and Eat & Drink; for our departments/columns; and for our feature well. Front-of-the-book stories, which are short, lively takes on life in Denver, run anywhere from 50 to 400 words. Departments are generally 800 to 1,500 words and cover everything from travel to sports to politics. Features can run up to 6,000 words. Expect professional rates.
You don’t have to be a Current Affairs subscriber to submit work to our magazine, but it helps. Not simply because we have a nepotistic bias toward paid members of the Current Affairs family (though we do), but because if a writer is unfamiliar with the kind of thing we publish, they are less likely to propose things that will fit well. Main articles for the print edition are usually around 3000-4500 words, while online articles are usually 1200-2400 words. Current Affairs is 100% free of any advertorials and infotainment (except of the satirical variety), and we publish clever, unique, well-researched stories that rags like the Economist and Time fear to cover. Pays $200 for online and $300 for print.
Eater is a national publication dedicated to reporting on, telling stories about, and critically examining the world of food and drink, with a particular focus on restaurants. Eater covers the ways dining intersects with culture, whether through travel, film and television, trends, shopping, policy, or how people cook and eat at home. We are actively seeking pitches from journalists, writers, academics, and other contributors of all backgrounds.
We extend a friendly invite to those with a journalistic and creative mind to help us grow and nourish the Life & Thyme community by becoming a contributor. Life & Thyme is a growing community of industry thinkers, creatives, and documentarians that celebrate intellectual and thought-provoking food stories.
VegNews welcomes freelance pitches and is open to all ideas related to the plant-based lifestyle. When submitting your pitch, please include your portfolio or links to published stories.
America Media is the leading provider of news and analysis for thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking. We seek to examine ideas and events at the crossroads, where insight from religious belief casts new light on an issue of the day, or where events in the world make the challenges of the Gospel more evident.
Seeking story pitches from freelance journalists. Our editorial focus is on innovative ways for companies to forge stronger relationships with their employees, customers, and community. Pays $200 to $300 for a piece of 800 to 1,000 words, but we can negotiate further depending on such factors as the amount of reporting needed.
We accept submissions in fiction, nonfiction and poetry year round from writers around the world. Fiction limit 5,000 words. Pays $300. Nonfiction limit 5,000 words. Pays $300. Poetry limit five pages. Pays $100.
Westerly publishes short stories, micro-fiction, poetry, memoir and creative non-fiction, artwork, essays and literary criticism. Poetry: maximum of five poems, with maximum 50 lines each. Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: maximum 3500 words. Scholarly Articles: maximum 5000 words. Reviews: approximately 800 words. $250 for one poem or $300 for a poetic sequence. Prose (including scholarly work): $300. Online Publication (including reviews): $180. (NOTE: THESE ARE AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS)
We focus on Atlanta and the metro region. We’re looking for stories that haven’t been told before, that help us see the city, the state, the region, and ourselves in new ways. Pays as much as $1 per word.
YES! Media produces nonprofit, independent, reader-supported journalism for people building a better world, both online and in the quarterly print magazine. Stories are focused on solutions by and for communities (as opposed to innovations or aid). Pays up to 40 cents/word.
The Daily Beast’s Obsessed is always looking for reactions, explainers, interviews, reviews, and opinion pieces. We cover everything that’s happening in pop culture that you—and we—can’t stop loving, hating, and thinking about. Rates start at $250.
Hothouse publishes investigative reporting about climate solutions. We love solutions journalism stories that challenge conventional wisdom. Pays 50 cents per word. Profiles are up to 800 words long and features are up to 1500 words.
Invites new voices and perspectives to contribute to narrating the true story of Appalachia — in words, pictures, video and experimental media. Can also post credentials for them to send you story ideas. Pays roughly $200 per piece.
For leaders of parent groups (often called parent-teacher organizations) at the 80,000-plus elementary and middle schools across the United States. Runs instructional pieces, best practices, idea roundups, and more. Assignments run roughly 600 to 1,500 words. Payment depends on difficulty of the topic and experience of the writer. Pays $125 to $500.
Publishes writing and artwork on a wide range of topics, including current events, grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, ecology, labour, food security, gender equity, Indigenous struggles, international solidarity, and other issues of political importance. Pays $150 to $350. See themes.
Specifically looking for hot take op-eds and spicy essays about whisk(e)y. Rate is $250 for 600-800 words. Send pitches (and writing samples) to
Reports on the Long Covid crisis, Covid-19, and infection-associated illnesses. Prioritizes essays from people with Long Covid and related diseases. Current rate for these articles is $250 for a 1,000-word piece. Accepting pitches for reported news stories from journalists, publishing 2-3 articles per quarter. The current rate is $1,000 for a 1,000-word piece.
Publishes essays, interviews, reportage, videos and art on the overlapping realms of philosophy, governance, geopolitics, economics, technology and culture. Pitch at least 500 words or send a draft to Pays up to $1/word for up to 3,000 words.
Looking for writers who can educate, inspire, and challenge in ways that support our vision of an equitable and just craft beverage industry. Pays $200 – $500 based on length and level of research required.
The Daily Yonder provides news, commentary, and analysis about and for rural America. Pays roughly $200 for the average article.
Escapees magazine contributors are RVers interested in sharing the RV lifestyle. Only considers articles on spec with photos. Payment is typically $100 to $200 for feature submissions, and $50 to $100 for short fillers.
At Carefree, we’re always looking for pitches that speak firsthand to the Black woman’s experience. Various columns in their newsletter open for pitches. Pays $100.
Atavist stories are longform that can be historical or current; they can be about crime or science, adventure or romance; they can be rooted in investigative reporting or in first-person experiences. Stories are plot- and character-driven, cinematic, the kind of yarns you don’t want to stop reading because you can’t wait to see what happens next. Anywhere from 8,000 to 30,000 words. Baseline story fee is $6,000.
Accepting pitches on the history and culture of Black Jews between 800 and 1200 words. Rates begin at $150. Send pitch to Explain what you would like to write and your credentials for writing it.
Science Friday’s mission is to increase the public’s access to science and scientific information. “Science” includes technology, medicine, and the environment. Length 500 – 1,000 words in English / up to 1,200 words in Spanish. Pays $.50/word.
Send a short (<300 words) outline of what you intend to write, not the finished article. The relevant editor may have guidance on how to make it a good fit for Climate Home. Successful stories complement the coverage of our editorial team and combine human interest with hard news. All stories must have a climate change angle and an international outlook. While our coverage is informed by scientific evidence, our editorial focus is on the political, economic and social dimensions of the climate crisis. Topics of interest include climate finance, major energy projects, land use conflicts, loss and damage attributable to climate change, greenwash, climate diplomacy and geopolitics. Rates start at £0.35 a word (GBP). A standard 600-word news story should involve interviewing (and usually quoting) at least three sources and linking to relevant data or research. Email news pitches to Joe Lo and investigative pitches to Sebastian Rodriguez
We publish flash fiction in the genres of speculative fiction, specifically science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, super hero, or any combination of these. Limit 1000 words. Fiction is paid at a rate of eleven (11) U.S. cents per word.
We welcome pitches from writers who can make sense of biology’s impacts on climate, energy, security, agriculture, materials, and medicine. Our authors are typically researchers or policy experts with extensive knowledge in their field or journalists with a deep background in the biotechnology beat. Our audience splits the difference between technical and popular. Confronts the complexity and profundity of biotechnology head-on. Essays (1,200-2,000 words). Deep Dives (2,500+ words). Notes & History (1,000-1,500 words). Interviews and Spec Fiction. We also commission full length book projects, in addition to edited book chapters and essays adapted from books. Pays $500 to $2000.
Sentient Media is a non-profit media outlet covering factory farming and animal policy. With original reporting and key explainers, we aim to change the conversation around our food system. A successful pitch will fit within at least one of our verticals: agriculture, science, climate, health or justice. Pays $200 and up.
Pitch William Mullaly, Arts and Culture Editor at Seeking writers who cover film, tv, music, book, art and gaming. Pays 45 cents per word and up.
The Lead is a micro-mag: a lean, mean site on politics, culture, and everything in between. We cover the sharp angles that define our life in the UK today: poverty, racism, climate change, corporate and government malfeasance, the breakdown of our healthcare system and the fracturing of the state. We accept submissions for features, long-reads, essays and op-eds. Pitch to us at Pays up to £400.
Pitch Gina Vitale, Editor of Freelance News/Features at
Always seeking new freelancers. Rates start at $650 for news stories (+$75 if pitched), $1.70/word for Q&A’s, and $2/word for multi-source features. If you’re a science writer and you’re interested in/curious about writing for C&EN, please get in touch.
Pitch Kelly Kennedy (Managing Editor of The War Horse) or Kristin Davis (Reflections Editor) at or Freelance journalism is $1000 per assigned story. Reflections pay $300. The War Horse is an award-winning nonprofit newsroom and the most trusted source for bulletproof reporting on the human impact of military service. Our team strengthens our democracy by holding power to account and improving the public’s understanding of the true cost of military service.
We cover travel in a way that helps people travel better, smarter, and more safely. We are committed to telling reported and personal stories about traveling, with inclusive coverage that includes BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled communities. Your pitch should be no longer than a paragraph or two, and include a suggested headline, your angle, your sources and/or characters, and why this story should be covered now. News pegs go a long way, and we especially appreciate story pitches that reflect responsible travel. Photo suggestions are always helpful, but can be discussed after the assignment is made. Rates start at $300 for 500 to 600 words. We do not accept pre-written stories on spec—even if you have already written the story, please send only the pitch.
The magazine has a readership of 40,000 children between 8 and 13 years. The majority being in the 9-12 range. The content is designed to appeal to bright children who are confident and independent readers. They prefer stories and features that have not previously been published or made available in Great Britain. The story should be between 1000 and 1300 words max (to fill one double spread). We offer a fee of £105 per short story.
The point is, they don’t care if it’s sci-fi, fantasy, romance, contemporary women’s fiction, historical fiction, western, or whatever, but the short story should have a deeper point for a longer discussion. Ninety percent of the rejections are not because of the quality of the writing, but because it’s simply not the kind of thing they publish. Children’s Stories: under 1,500 words. Young Adult: under 3,500 words. Adult: 1,500-7,000 words.
The School Magazine publishes short stories, articles, plays, poems and activities that have literary and academic merit. Our readers are primary school children who respond well to texts that delight, intrigue, challenge and inspire them—texts written especially for them. Fiction no longer than 1500 words (shorter stories are encouraged). Articles – Soundly researched texts across traditional nonfiction, journalistic and creative nonfiction genres such as articles, procedural texts, reports, profiles, interviews, short features and nonfiction narratives. Generally articles are 800–2000 words. We pay $0.50c per word for fiction, articles and plays. We pay for poetry: 1-12 lines is $55; 13-24 lines is $105; 25-40 lines is $170, and over 40 lines is $230.
Youth Today welcomes pitches on topics related to youth and young adults in the United States. We publish written, audio and visual journalism. We’re looking for rigorously reported stories that center youth voices and hold public institutions and policymakers accountable or shed new light on issues facing young people. To pitch a story, send a brief email (about 200-400 words) to We generally pay about $1/word for reported stories (most fall within 800-1,200 words) and $500 for the occasional Q&A with newsmakers and other less densely reported assignments.
The magazine is for people who value the handcrafted over the manufactured, artists, collectors, and independent thinkers with a keen interest in the creative process—including materials, techniques, and processes. Stories are generally assigned at 400–2,000 words. Our pay is $.50–$1.00/word, depending on the assignment.
We are partnering with established storytellers from the regions we want to visit and reconstructing our world map from the inside out. Think more cultural exchange and less cultural extraction. Features and departments available. Pays up to $1/word for features and up to $200 for departments.
Philadelphia magazine is edited for the area’s community leaders and their families. It provides topical, in-depth reports on crucial and controversial issues confronting the region-business trends, political analysis, metropolitan planning, sociological trends, plus critical reviews of the cultural, sports and entertainment scene. Articles range from law enforcement to fashion, voting trends to travel, transportation to theatre, also includes background studies of the area’s newsmakers. Pays up to $1/word.
At Pellicle our primary objective is to produce joyful, uplifting stories that celebrate the drinks, food and places we love. We are primarily (but not exclusively) a UK-based consumer drinks publication, with our main focus on beer, wine and cider. Features: £0.23p per word, rounded to the nearest 100 words. The rate will be agreed on submission of a brief following acceptance of your pitch. For example, a 1500 word feature pays £345, etc. Q&A’s: £300 per feature.
Container is an online magazine about creative technology. It explores why and how people use technology in creative ways for social and cultural purposes. We pay £320 per 1,000 words for written articles, and
£260 day rate for other freelance contributions (illustrations, event fees etc).
Geist is always seeking short non-fiction (around 800-1500 words, flexible), typically personal narrative, for the Notes & Dispatches section. Pay is commensurate with length, usually $300-500. Longer non-fiction pieces (up to 5000 words) are published as Features. We pay up to $1000. We are especially reading for non-fiction at this time. We’re interested in comics that are weird, funny, unexpected or experimental. We pay $100 per page. We publish short stories (up to 5000 words) in the Features section. We usually publish one story per issue, so please send only your best work. We pay up to $1000. Send a maximum of 5 poems. We pay $100 per page.
Seeking crisp perspectives on topics related to faith, ethics and justice. Columns run between 450 and 550 words. Pays 75 cents/word). Your pitch should present a clear question and answer. Commissioning for spring and summer 2024, so ideas should be topical, but have a decent shelf life. Pitch to Nicole Schmidt, Associate Editor at Broadview exists to serve a niche audience of progressive Christians, as well as those who share similar core values. Our three editorial pillars are: spirituality, justice and ethical living.
For Plough’s website and print magazine, we accept submissions of nonfiction articles, reviews, art, and letters to the editor. Topics frequently covered are religion, culture, society, education, nature, technology, and international. The essays we accept are generally narrative-driven, built around a real-life story rather than around an argued thesis; all the same, we may take an idea-driven piece if the subject is urgent and compelling. We publish both short articles (1000–2000 words) and longer features (2000–5000+ words). Noted for paying $300 and up for articles.
We’re looking for freelance writers to work with our design-build clients. This is a freelance and remote position. We hire year-round as client projects come up. Pay $500 to $750 CAD per assignment. Two to five writing assignments a month. Familiar with SEO. You know what keywords are and how to use them in your writing without coming off as stuffy. Skillfully navigate search engines, databases and publications to conduct in-depth research on any given topic. Content writing entails turning dry and boring information into personable and educational stories such as blog posts, whitepapers, social media posts and case studies.
The Revelator, a news and ideas initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity, provides editorially independent reporting, analysis and stories at the intersection of politics, conservation, art, culture, endangered species, climate change, economics and the future of wild species, wild places and the planet. Payment starts at $300 and goes up to $500, with rates varying by complexity of the assignment.
H&E Naturist magazine has an established editorial team and a series of regular contributors, but is always seeking fresh and invigorating naturist and naked-themed material for the only commercially distributed monthly naturist magazine in the world. All fees are by negotiation and agreed in writing in advance. As a guideline, our standard fee is 10p per published word. Fees may depend on the quality and experience of the writer, and the longevity of their relationship with the magazine.
We work with writers from all over the world to create compelling, timely, definitive stories about beer, drinking cultures, and adjacent issues and lifestyles. Currently seeking stories that explore nature as a character. Payment estimated $700.
Accepting pitches for more episodes in 2024. If you love writing about music, history, or doing deep dives, DM Courtney Smith, Podcast Producer at Current rate is $500 for writing a 20 to 30 minute episode. A team handles production and sound design and pay to send the writer into a studio near them to record. Anyone who wants to pitch should send samples of podcast scripts, features, or longform.
New York Focus is an independent nonprofit newsroom investigating power. Their goal is to help rebuild a local news ecosystem that has faced years of relentless cuts. Pitch your idea by emailing Our standard rate is $800 per story. Larger investigative projects may negotiate a higher fee. Short news pieces or opinion pieces may receive less. Your pitch shouldn’t sound like a press release. New York Focus stories rely on original reporting from firsthand sources, and they seek to uncover something new — usually something that someone in power doesn’t want publicized.
Very grounded in our mission to be the most progressive media brand that puts emerging Latin culture on the map. Right now looking for Latine freelance beauty and fashion writers to add to their roster at Remezcla. If interested, please email Thatiana Diaz, Editor in Chief at! ONLY Latine/x writers, please.
They’re really open to anything — news, features, culture, or just plain weird stuff. Anything that’s important to the people who actually live and work in this great but at times difficult city of London. Things are in flux, but right now we’re planning to pay roughly £200 per commission, depending on the length of the copy and amount of sleuthing involved. If that tickles your fancy, send your pitches to Pays £200.
Sojourners is an independent, award-winning print and online magazine of faith, culture, and politics. Our mission is to inspire hope and action by articulating the biblical call to racial and social justice, life and peace, and environmental stewardship. We accept pitches for reported pieces, analysis, and commentary that address social justice issues or appeal to a well-informed faith audience. We are also looking for pieces that use a solutions lens when reporting on social issues. Expect roughly 40 cents/word.
The Metropole is able to pay a $200 flat fee. We accept original pieces on any aspect of urban history or on topics that are of interest to urbanists. These may take the form of essays, historiographies, bibliographies, transcribed interviews, reviews of books or other media, overviews of special collections, travelogues, or news analyses. Posts should range from 500-2000 words, with the exception of book reviews, historiographies, and bibliographies, which may be longer. Posts should not exceed 2000 words.
Black Girl Times (BGX) is always looking for thought-provoking stories and content for Black women, girls, and the people who love them. Above all, we want our readers to gain a better understanding of our identity, triumphs, struggles, and the beauty of Black girls and women in the Southeast and beyond. Our pay rate– $0.25 to $1.00 per word–for writers depends on your level of experience, skill, and other factors.
Pride Source Media is a multi-tiered media company with two primary publishing assets: Pride Source’s publications (Between The Lines Newspaper, Pride Source Magazine, Pride Source Yellow Pages, which are print products, as well as our digital platform, and Q Syndicate (the national LGBTQ+ wire service for regional LGBTQ+ press). We cover a wide range of topics that are of interest to the LGBTQ+ population: LGBTQ+ politics, relationships and weddings, sex, health, home, LGBTQ+ people and their pets, pop culture and celebrities, and other queer-centric trends. We feature a variety of types of stories: Short and long features, profiles, Q&As, essays, opinion pieces, listicles and video interviews. Though our focus is on Michigan, we are open to national stories, particularly national stories with a Michigan spin. Columns/essays $100-$125; News features, other news/pop culture reporting $100-$250.
SELF magazine is a mission-driven health and wellness brand. Our goal is to help people take good care of themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. We have a few main categories of focus: health, fitness, food, beauty, love (think sex and relationships, both romantic and otherwise), and lifestyle (travel, money, career, home, productivity, and so on). Beyond those categories, here are the types of stories we’re looking for from freelancers: Reported Service, Personal Experience-Based Service, Expert-Recommended Product Roundups. Opinion and Cultural Criticism, and Features. Fees are subject to change, but currently our rates start at $300 for a story with minimal to no reporting, and increase from there. Reported service stories start at $400; features start at $800.
Here at Empire, we are always looking for exciting, original pitches for our news section, First Word. We want all our writers to have a demonstrable passion for cinema and TV. It helps to provide a few examples of your work when pitching. The better known the publication or website, the better. Pays roughly 40 cents/word and up.
Please submit up to 4 poems (up to 10 pages total) for consideration. We welcome poems in all languages. For poems that are not primarily in English, please include a translation of the non-English portion(s) of the poem. All poets will be compensated for published poems. We pay $10/line with a minimum honorarium of $300 per poem.
What we’re looking for is two-fold: the ability to understand a product or service, its value propositions and differentiators in detail, and the ability to explain that in clear, simple written English. We pay $500 per article. Writers who choose to take on a reasonable full time work load typically can do 10 – 12 pieces per month, so $5,000 – $6,000 per month. Our pieces are however long we think we need to rank for the target keyword. That typically ends up being around 1500 – 2500 words. Everyone at Grow and Convert starts off as a writer. We have folks who stay as writers and others who transition into strategists and execute the rest of our SEO process for clients. But even to be a strategist, you have to start off as a writer. This is because good SEO writing is the backbone of what we do. So we’re always looking for smart people who can understand and sell our clients products through writing.
Our mission at is to keep women informed on the subjects that matter to them, so they can live smarter, healthier and happier lives. We publish expertly researched buyers guides, in-depth features and the latest shopping news and deals across fashion, beauty, health and wellbeing and lifestyle. Grace Walsh, Digital Health Editor,, currently seeks pitches around stress and burnout for Woman & Home online. First-person stories, explainers, deep dives, etc. Purported to pay £150-£200 per article.
Latitude Media covers the new frontiers of climate technology, with stories geared toward well-informed practitioners in the climate and tech industries. Our stories fall into one or more of the following categories and subcategories: Digital tech: artificial intelligence, data centers/cloud, and software/analytics; Grid tech: infrastructure, distributed energy resources, and electrification/mobility; Emerging tech: hydrogen, carbon removal, and long-duration storage. We primarily commission analysis pieces (600-1,200 words) and features (1,200-2,400 words) from freelancers, as well as (on occasion) news stories (300-800 words) and written explainers (600-1,200 words). Rates generally work out to between 50 cents and 90 cents per word.
The Blood Project is a non-profit educational website dedicated to advancing our knowledge about the blood’s connection to human health, disease, and therapeutics. We are currently seeking pitches from freelance writers. We welcome submissions from both US and non-US citizens. We offer a competitive rate of $0.50 per word for essays, which typically range from 1,500 to 2,000 words in length. Please contact The Blood Project’s founder, Dr. Bill Aird, MD, directly at
We’re excited by stories that tease out the details of an historical moment or that look at the obvious in a non-obvious way. Subjects that are newsworthy, entertaining, quirky, surprising, and enlightening are right up our alley. We are particularly interested in work that highlights research by BIPOC scholars and professors, and are committed to diversifying our pool of regular contributors. Your pitch for a feature story (about 2,000 words) should include a detailed description of the subject you’d like to write about, why it’s interesting now, links to your clips or CV, a news peg, and a preview of the academic angle or articles from JSTOR that you’d like to reference. Features 1,800 to 2,000 words. Reports say pay is 30 cents/word and up.
Pitch Adrienne Westenfeld, Books and Fiction Editor at Seeking author interviews, author profiles, book round-ups, trend pieces, and reported features about the publishing industry. We don’t publish traditional reviews, but longer essays about books and culture. Pays $500 and up.
Pitch Kelly Doherty, Editorial Lead at The Vinyl Factory is a vinyl enterprise and a magazine that curates/collaborates for artists and musicians to explore new ideas in audio-visual arts. It also releases limited editions made in collaboration with musicians and artists, accompanied by events and performances. A particular focus on niche genre/scene explorations, hardware and vinyl tech, record collectors and collections, artist, album + label deep dives and more. Rate: 40p per word.
Pitch Danielle Renwick, Editor at Seeking stories on climate/environmental justice and on efforts to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for the climate crisis. Pays $1/word.
Seeking articles around 1,400 words. Pays $300. Looking for writers who live in or are deeply familiar with: Bangkok or Chang Mai, Christchurch or Wellington, Fiji, Kentucky, São Paulo, Rhode Island, Panama, Patagonia, Crete.
Lilith Magazine welcomes submissions of high-quality, lively, original writing: reporting, analysis, opinion pieces, memoir, fiction and poetry with a feminist take on subjects of interest to Jewish feminists. Features usually run 2,000 words, news briefs 500 words or less. Fiction should be under 3,000 words. Back-page pieces run 800 words. Poetry submissions should include no more than 3 poems, totaling no more than two pages.
We’re looking for essays that are driven by sharp, surprising argumentative interventions in ongoing conversations. These may include: socially engaged cultural criticism; class-sensitive analysis; pieces that point out what’s being avoided or talked around in politics, media, arts, or even academia; upbeat cynicism; un-self-serious screeds; generous takedowns; entries from the margins. Pays $2,000 for essays, $500-$1,000 for fiction, $150 for poems, and $25 for Mentions.
Covers Buddhism, mindfulness, religion, art, history, and pop culture (even better if a combination of all of the above). Rates start at $250 for basic interview pieces, personal reflections, and teachings and go up from there for reported pieces, reviews, and more in-depth projects. Pitch Mike Sheffield, Web Editor at
Ruffwear is an outdoor dog gear brand based in Bend, Oregon. We’re founded on a passion for inspiring dog and human connections in the outdoors – and storytelling is a big part of doing just that. We’re looking for personal stories that tell the tale of outdoor experiences you’ve shared with your dog(s) – anything from an epic adventure to those everyday moments when you seek fresh air with your canine sidekick. We pay a flat rate of $500 per story, which covers roughly 800-1000 words and 8-10 photos to be included.
We pay aspiring writers based in the UK £100 to produce a 400-600 word opinion piece. We launched The Inspired Source series as a pilot program in 2020. It was part of our work to amplify voices that are underrepresented in the media and marginalised by society. The Inspired Source is a series of opinion pieces, containing stories that are generally 400-800 words long and examine a human rights issue by which the writer or their community is affected.
Scalawag is interested in untold stories, fresh perspectives, and original thought covering the nuances of life, politics, and culture in the American South. Beasts of the Southern Wild turned 10 last year for Scalawag, we’d like to publish a retrospective from a Black Southern writer during this hurricane season. Pitch to Feel free to join our contributors’ email list, where we periodically send around topics we’re hoping to see covered. Pays professional rates.
The Mill is looking to commission stories from talented writers and reporters in Greater Manchester and across the North. We are on the hunt for great journalists who want to contribute stories regularly, whether that’s every few weeks or every few months, but also people who have one sensational idea to contribute. Please read the online guide before getting in touch. A lot of our stories will be news features ranging from 700 words to 1400 words. We will agree a fee with you when we commission a story, and there’s lots of variation depending on what the piece involves. A typical fee for our commissions is £150, but we’ve paid a wide range of fees depending on the work that goes into the story and the experience of the writer.
Junei makes money transparency happen through first-person stories. Our readers are millennials and gen Z citizens – inheritors of a world in which forever-renting and hustling are the norm. We want to make this reality less of an ordeal (and less lonely) by sharing stories about how we spend, save, earn, and live. A Junei story is between 800-1,000 words. We offer a competitive compensation of £120 per piece, with additional details to be mutually agreed upon during the commissioning stage.
Our magazine is divided into four sections: ‘Facts’, ‘Features’, ‘Fiction’, and ‘Etc’. The sections are fairly amorphous – what begins as a Facts piece can often snowball into a Feature; an Etc. piece can often drift to the front of the book when we want to lighten the tone of things – but they’re handy to keep in mind when pitching. Rates depend on a number of factors: section suitability, length, amount of work involved. The Fence is a quarterly print magazine based in Soho, but focused on life in UK and Ireland. We offer a mix of investigations, short stories and cultural essays, all thread with a humourous and playful touch.
We publish flash fiction in the genres of speculative fiction, specifically science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, super hero, or any combination of these. We accept stories up to 1,000 words. Fiction is paid at a rate of eleven (11) U.S. cents per word.
Any genre or between-genre work of literature, or visual art (black and white for interiors, colour for covers) up to 50 pages in length. Short stories, novellas, poetry, comics, illustrations — bring it on. We do not publish non-fiction, memoir, or young adult and children’s stories. Aside from that, we want anything entertaining and well written. We pay $0.05 – $0.08 per word for short stories (to 5000 words), $0.03 – $0.06 per word between 5000 and 10000 words, and $0.02 – $0.04 per word for works over 10000 words. Poetry and interior illustrations pay between $25 – $50. Sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations are at a rate of $25 to $75 per page.
MISSION is a future-of-work publication for builders who want to ditch the status quo and lead the next generation of products, teams, and companies. We’re looking for contributors to share actionable advice, bold ideas, and compelling stories, backed by original reporting and data. You’ll get paid well and your work will appear before a high-value audience of tech leaders. We pay a flat rate of $500-$1,000+ per story.
At Raconteur, we’re interested in what connects business. From the rise of the four-day week to supply chain risk to the journey to net zero, we want to tell the stories impacting leaders and driving change in the business world. We encourage writers from any background to pitch to us. Pieces tend to be between 1,000 and 1,200 words, although they can go up to 2,000. We pay on a per-word basis, based on the commissioned word count. Expect 50 cents/word.
The Content & Editorial team at Angi is looking for experienced Freelance Financial Writers to join our growing network of contributors. We’re building best-in-class digital content to help our users learn how to improve and take care of their homes. This is a freelance, independent contractor position. Write 5 to 10+ new long-form articles (averaging 1,000-2,000 words) per month and/or update existing long-form articles (averaging 500-1,000 words), submitting articles throughout the month to meet deadlines.
IndieReader, one of the original book review services for small press, hybrid and self-published authors, is looking for professional book reviewers with previous editorial experience (preferably writing book reviews). The position pays $45-$50 per 350-400 word review. Reviewers will be credited for their work. Please submit three book review samples along with your CV.
Pays around $200. They are anti-AI. With the music media landscape as battered as ever, shrinking the number of outlets available to passionate writers, we’re excited to welcome article pitches that contain tie-ins to at least one [Catalog record]( and/or tackle one of these focus areas:
– Thoughtful essays or debates about music/web3 topics (aka cultural commentary)
– Profiles that direct attention to under-appreciated artists and music communities
– Oral histories of influential, beloved musical works (an album, club night, etc.)
Drive is a lifestyle publication published by Subaru of America and delivered to almost two million print and digital subscribers. We pay ~$1/word, depending on the complexity of the assignment. We pay upon acceptance of a final draft by our editorial team, and generally ask for one round of revision before acceptance. Our audience of Subaru owners is diverse in terms of age, demographics, family status, and geography, but the commonalities are a love for adventure, family, traveling, health and fitness, road trips, pets and animals, giving back to their communities, environmental consciousness and learning new things.
We publish new, previously unpublished work by Irish and international writers. We have a particular interest in promoting new writers, and in promoting the short story form. Each issue of The Stinging Fly includes a mix of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, alongside our Featured Poets and Comhchealg sections, occasional author interviews and novel extracts. We also welcome submissions of poetry and prose in translation. Fiction and nonfiction: €45 per magazine page, but with a minimum/maximum payment of €300/€1200. Flash Fiction/shorter essays (one to two pages): €150. Poetry: €40 per magazine page, but with a minimum payment of €60 per poem. Featured Poet: €400.
Longevity Global’s mission is to connect longevity researchers, investors, and entrepreneurs to create community and collaboration. Longevity Global is looking for freelance writers for our new Substack. We pay $200/article and would work with you on editing. The topic would be of your choice in collaboration with us. We imagine this could be a lay audience review or explainer of a recent scientific paper or technology in the longevity space. It could also be about a general longevity topic. This job would be great for students, postdocs, or community members looking to supplement their income with side work while also getting their name out there on social media. We aim to publish one article a week and have a variety of authors.
Dead Good is the home of killer crime books, TV, and film. Dead Good is dedicated to discovering, sharing and recommending thrilling crime. Whether you’re on the hunt for an intriguing mystery, an action-packed thriller or a creepy psychological drama, we’re here to keep you in the loop. Rate 40p a word. Especially looking to commission book and TV/film content for our crime website. We’re always looking for pitches from avid readers of crime authors. Pitch Katie Russell, Digital Editor at
Pitch Ben Beckett, Editor at Pays for researched or reported articles on the economy from a left/progressive POV. Pays $250 for shorter pieces, $450 for features. Dollars & Sense is a progressive economics magazine that explains in a popular way both the workings of the economy and struggles to change it. Articles may be on any economic issue, including the environment, community organizing, urban conflict, inflation, unemployment, union reform, welfare, changes in government regulation… a broad range of topics, as long as the article has an economic theme. Short and long pieces considered.
Healthline Media is a health information company working and advocating to help people — all people — live their strongest, healthiest lives. Healthline and Medical News Today are the main sites that the team produces content for. PsychCentral and Greatist are two additional brands we may have assignments for, depending on business needs. Pay starts at $250/article, depending on experience and content type.
We are a Shopping and lifestyle search platform located in San Francisco Bay area. We are expanding our platform by adding features including new editorial content in variety of topics such as Women’s Fashion, Men’s Fashion, Beauty, Electronics, Food, Travel, Sports, Home, Kids and related consumer topics. We are looking for talented writers and bloggers to create quality content and enhance our user experience. Currently, we are looking to hire full-time, part-time as well as freelance writers and bloggers. Please send us your resume along with at least 3 writing samples and a link to your blog (if applicable), and indicate whether you are seeking full-time, part-time or freelance position.
We craft content that appeals to both the still-learning drinker and the seasoned aficionado. For the former, we have informative Drinks 101 content, including Bartender, Basics, and Drinks Terms Defined. We also offer Buying Guides that feature reviews from our Tasting Department and products selected by trusted experts. (A large portion of these pieces are handled in-house, but we’re open to freelancers who make a compelling case for an assignment, including one-off reviews or round-ups.) For the latter, we’re not afraid to get geeky and dive into the intricacies of everything from natural wine labeling laws to the repercussions of a C02 shortage. Digital rates begin at $0.50/word. See the different categories for word count.
We’re looking for essays that are driven by sharp, surprising argumentative interventions in
ongoing conversations. These may include: socially engaged cultural criticism; class-sensitive analysis; pieces that point out what’s being avoided or talked around in politics, media, arts, or even academia; upbeat cynicism; un-self-serious screeds; generous takedowns; entries from the margins. Most tend to fall in the 3-5k word range. Pays $2,000 for essays, $500 to $1,000 for fiction, and $150 for poems.
NewMusicBox is currently seeking smart, original, short essays (< 1500 words) from members of the music community. NewMusicBox is deeply committed to highlighting new music communities across the United States and encourages contributors to write about the vibrancy of their local scene. Pays up to $500 per article.
A nod to the Proverbs passage, The ThirtyOne reflects the widespread interests of today’s women of faith. News and Reported Pieces. Cover Stories and Feature Profiles. Opinions and Editorials. Beauty. Fashion. Arts. Books. Entertainment. Food. Love and Relationships. Parenting and Family. Health and Wellness. Professional Development and Personal Growth. …all rooted in progressive theological principles. New content uploads every Thursday. Pitch Candice Marie Benbow, Creator at This is a new publication. Pays roughly $400. Looking for stories of faith, growth and personal development.
Pitch Richard Croasdale, Editor at with a one-paragraph synopsis. Pays writers 23p per word. Seeks creative ideas around wine: drinking it, loving it, eating with it, travelling for it, making it. Glug is a new wine magazine from the team behind Ferment.
Accepting submissions in December, May, and September. Looking for short fiction and poetry focused on long-term relationships: platonic, romantic, or familial. We don’t want the blaze of new love or the obsession of a new friend. We want pieces that show that comfort that develops when people know each other for years. Payment is $0.08 CAD per word for short fiction (1,000-3,500 words) and $60 CAD flat per poem. Since Heartlines Spec is primarily a Canadian magazine, we’re looking to feature writers identifying as being from Canada/Turtle Island. This includes expats, refugees and displaced people living in Canada, new immigrants, and people who refuse/resist Canadian Identity. Stories – 1,000-3,500 words. Poetry: send up to five pieces per submission. No AI-generated pieces.
Government Executive is the premier source of news and analysis for managers and executives in the federal government. Most successful submissions of such articles are 800 words or less, make a clear and convincing point about a topic of current interest to our readers, and are written by people who are experienced and qualified in their fields. Our contributors have included professional journalists, current and former federal employees, scholars, think-tank experts, consultants and corporate leaders. We do not publish articles that seem to be aimed at promoting the fortunes of any individual, product or company.
Training magazine is a 55-year-old professional development magazine that advocates training and workforce development as a business tool. The magazine delves into management issues such as leadership and succession planning, HR issues such as recruitment and retention, and training issues such as learning theory, on-the-job skills assessments and aligning core workforce competencies to enhance the bottom line impact of training and development programs.
We’re always looking for experienced, qualified online freelance writers who share in our mission to provide practical, real-life tips and inspiration to help you create your best home. Please note that we do not accept unsolicited guest-authored articles, blogs, infographics, or posts. (Expect strong mid-range payment for this DotDashMeredith publication.) The Spruce is part of The Spruce family of sites, including The Spruce Eats, The Spruce Pets, and The Spruce Crafts, covering home decor, home repair, recipes, cooking techniques, pets, and crafts. The Spruce brand is one of the top three largest lifestyle properties online according to comScore, a leading Internet measurement company.
Pitch Jacob Kleinman, Executive Editor at Needs pitches for features about TV, Movies, Video Games, Science, or Technology. Pays $1,000. Looking for deeply reported features (NOT essays, reviews, previews or hot takes). Inverse takes a scientific approach to analyzing culture and a cultural approach to talking about science.
Grist freelance rates start at 80 cents/word. Grist is a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. Our goal is to use the power of storytelling to illuminate the way toward a better world, inspire millions of people to walk that path with us, and show that the time for action is now. Topic at present is extreme environmental heat. Topics like heat causing blackouts, wildfires, and tornadoes. Or heat’s drain on the healthcare system. Grist’s Record High will include daily reporting, in-depth features, service journalism, and data analysis. We’ll also be publishing a limited-run newsletter. Send pitches to
YS has been dedicated to creating community conversations to bring awareness to important social, political, and cultural topics for Boulder County & the North Metro Region in Colorado. Provides engaging, journalistically sound, and always creative coverage of local and regional news, politics, arts, culture, entertainment, cuisine, and whatever else is relevant to the Community. Pays pays $125 to $375 per article.
Longreads is dedicated to publishing and sharing the best longform nonfiction storytelling on the web.
Essays and columns typically run between 2,000 and 6,000 words. Pieces may be longer or broken up into a series depending on the length and subject matter. Personal essays should be submitted on spec, and we pay $500 per essay.
Road & Track is a window into a nearly unattainable car-centric lifestyle. In our pixels and pages, readers feel what it’s like to drive the most incredible cars, view the most exclusive collections, and travel the world to witness the stories that will become legends of the road. Road & Track is written for the automotive enthusiast, covering car and motorsport news, blended with wide-ranging feature stories, investigations, reviews, and columns. Expect 30-50 cents/word.
We’re interested in personal essays, opinion pieces, and conversation starters on topics related to relationships, health, and money. Most of the work we publish is through a feminist lens. We’re currently looking for stories to publish in our newsletter, The Things We Don’t Talk About. You’ll reach an audience of over 50,000+, who are generally interested in topics having to do with gender, power, and technology.
Rates for Diem stories start at $200 and the majority of commissioned stories hit the 700-word mark.
Off Assignment is a literary magazine with a penchant for journeys and a fascination with strangers. We’re looking for writers who travel, poets who wander, essayists with a sense of place, reporters with swollen notebooks, and gourmands with street cart taste. We’re not here to guide vacations. We don’t cover spas or centennials. We have a taste for offbeat places. We care about voice and story. We want the writer on the page—sweating, tripping, and telling a tale. Word count 800-2,000. Several departments. We consider full drafts only, and pay $300 for “Letter to a Stranger,” “No Equivalent,” and “Under the Influence” essays. We pay $100 for “Witching Hour” essays.
Pays $250 for a 750-word column, $375 for a 1,500-word feature. Beer & Weed is a monthly magazine that accepts for consideration all pitches (preferably) and completed manuscripts for interviews, features, profiles, recipes, how-to articles, reviews, and fiction. All writers will receive 12-month subscriptions to Beer & Weed as a courtesy. Maine’s premier monthly publication servicing the craft beer and craft canabis communities.
craft original content covering a variety of financial topics relevant to higher education, including blog posts and resource guides related to planning and saving for college, paying for college and college budgeting, applying for financial aid, types of financial aid, loan refinancing and consolidation, etc. Additional opportunities to cover general higher education topics (degrees, career planning, student life, etc.) if desired. At the moment, we are currently unable to accept applicants from the following states: Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, West Virginia. Compensation starts at $100 for every 500 words.
Has a focus on the environment health and housing, as well as expanding into local power and politics, so particularly interested in hearing from people who’d like to write about those topics in Norwich. Pays up to £200 per article.
The magazine about how Oregonians live, work and play. Payment varies from $0.30/word to $0.50/word. We pay on publication. 1859 Oregon’s Magazine buys all rights, although there can be some exceptions. Until Next Time is our reader’s essay section. We’re looking for articles around 700 words in length with hi-resolution pictures (at least 3000 pixels along one dimension). We’re looking for personal stories about life in Oregon. How has the state shaped your life? What is your personal Oregon history? We welcome all writers, regardless of background and experience.
Application Form
LOOKOUT is actively looking for stories. As Arizona’s only nonprofit news source exclusively covering the LGBTQ+ community, we are looking for hard-hitting news stories that don’t just inform, but help keep people in power accountable. Please note: We do not accept opinion or editorial pieces, essays, poetry, or events (arts and entertainment). All of our stories pay 20 cents a word, and provide for reimbursement for gas and records payments.
The Ken publishes one story a day. We’re looking for original, analytical and skilfully-narrated pieces-we’re big on granularity, on data and on extensive reporting. We welcome contributors from journalists, subject matter experts, and anyone who has a good story to tell. In terms of subject matter, we’ve been sharply focussed on select sectors-technology (spanning fintech, Big Tech, SaaS, and telecom), startups (EVs, food tech, etc), science, healthcare, retail, and education across India and Southeast Asia. And how policy shapes these sectors. Our preferred story length is 1,500-2,200 words. Pays 25 cents/word.
We solicit and publish personal essays, “I Tried It” pieces (like this, this, and this), multi-expert reported features, market and commerce roundups, and op-eds. We do NOT accept previously published articles or blog posts. Topic areas: health and mental health, food, lifestyle, travel, beauty, fitness, and other.
For reported pieces:
Tier 1: $150-$350 (500-800 words, 0-2 sources)
Tier 2: $350-$500 (800-1200 words, 3-4 sources)
Tier 3: $500+ (1200+ words, heavily reported)
For personal essays and op-eds:
Tier 1: $200-$400 (600-1,000 words)
Tier 2: $400+ (1,000+ words)
Base rates: Minimum $200 (Q+As, etc.). Short essays: $300-$400. Long essays/deep reporting: $400-$800. For every new subscriber between the day the article is published and a week later, a one-time payment of $15. So, if an article published Monday garners 20 new subscribers between Monday and Sunday, $3oo. This is on top of the base rate. Pitches can be sent to Through this newsletter they hope to break down myths about mental health and open up discussions about why we’re all feeling so sad, stressed, depressed and “crazy.” Have we gone mad, or has the world? Interviews with experts and activists who challenge our current conceptualizations of mental health. Information on alternative modalities for mental health treatment. Essays and journalism on the prescription drug industry, psychiatry, psychology, and more.
Seeks reporters for their West Side Community Guide. Pays $2000-300 per article around 1,000 words. Send resumes and writing samples to editor Lacey Sikora at lacey@]
Seeking opinion columns with a business, economic or policy focus. Seeks strong opeds on music, politics, fashion, media, race, identity, good, social media, tech and marketing. Pitch Jhodie-Ann Williams, Opinion Editor at
Talk to us about the role of beer in your BIPOC life, and infuse your race and culture in the piece. The zine is meant for intimate stories, so give me that, and don’t worry about having to whitewash your experience. We’ve all been there, but this is not that. BIPOC in the beer industry? Sweet; submit your poetry or short fiction or art. Payment roughly works out to about $.15-$.20 per word. NOTE: This is a call for submissions on a particular topic. The guidelines show how to pitch on any topic with general guidelines for all.
BorderLore is a monthly online journal documenting, sharing, and elevating folklife in the borderlands region (Arizona, New Mexico, southern California, southern Utah, west Texas, and northern Mexico), seeking what is often “hidden in plain view.” By celebrating the “embellished ordinary,” we hope to connect people across culture, tradition, and geography. Pays $300 and up.
Are you obsessed with the dining scene in Massachusetts? There might be a spot for you writing for Eater Boston, either as an occasional contributor or on a more regular basis. We’re primarily seeking writers to contribute and update maps and guides on a freelance basis, although news and feature pitches will occasionally be considered. Before you pitch, please search the site archives to make sure that you’re sending a fresh idea. Noted for paying up to $300 per article.
We tell the political, economic and human stories of communities that are more complex than national narratives have allowed. And unlike national media outlets, we don’t leave Appalachia when the story ends. We are inviting a diverse range of new voices and perspectives to contribute to narrating the true story of this place — in words, pictures, video and experimental media. We invite you to submit your ideas and work to help create a new narrative for our region and start a dialogue, among outsiders and ourselves. Pay estimated at 25 cents/word.
oteh nîkân publishes writing by LGBTQ2S+ Indigenous writers year-round. Poetry, fiction, and non-fiction (including scholarly writing and criticism). Prose up to 3000 words. Poetry up to 1000 words per poem (up to 5 pages of poems). Prose: $300 CAD/per prose piece. Poetry: $200 CAD/per poem.
Submit pitches to Rates are a dollar per word for features and reported pieces. Pays 50 cents/word for other departments. Lux is a feminist magazine of politics and culture. We publish a glossy print edition three times a year featuring our award-winning writers, and a regular newsletter. Our coverage runs from in-depth political reporting — on underground abortion networks, for example, or on abolitionists’ 911 alternatives — to reviews of the latest batch of bisexual novels and reports on feminist politics from Afghanistan to Mexico. We publish established and emerging writers and artists, delivering their work to readers in over a dozen countries.
Standard rates start at $0.50/word, negotiable for reported pieces. Q&As are paid out at $0.30/word.
Pieces are generally commissioned at around 500-800 or 800-1000 words. Dirt is billed as a newsletter about entertainment, and television (particularly streaming) is our bread and butter. We love short essays and posts that take an unexpected angle on a popular show, highlight a previously uncovered element or particular aesthetic of a show everyone is watching, or recommend things that it seems like no one is watching at all. Beyond TV, Dirt publishes pieces covering all kinds of cultural ephemera: movies, books, fashion and style, art, furniture and design, scene reports, shopping, video games, music, politics, and media. We embrace the esoteric.
The Key, ApartmentAdvisor’s guide to all things renting, publishes content across four categories:
News, Lifestyle, Real Renters, Renter Guide. We are always interested in evergreen pieces, reported features, data-driven analyses of rental markets in the US, personal essays, expert Q&As, service pieces, and, most importantly, stories by and for renters. Features are 800 to 1,200 words for $250 and 1,200+ for $300. Other smaller departments available as well for freelancers.
The focus of Trails is on backpacking and other human/naturally-powered means of sleeping outdoors: bikepacking, canoe camping, even things like rafting or mountaineering are fair game. Human-powered, and overnight are the important pieces. We also primarily focus on North American destinations. Articles that focus specifically or heavily on a destination should be focused within that region. Features range anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 words. The “Blazes” section is dedicated to short (typically between 300 and 800 word) articles, opinion, current events, profiles, and other quick-hit types of stories. Each issue features one recipe (or potentially multiple shorter related recipes), as well as various shorter (less than 500 word) food-related stories. We pay our writers a minimum of $0.50/word—that climbs based on the story and your experience.
LatinaMedia.Co uplifts Latina and femme Latinx perspectives in media through publishing original pieces of criticism and amplifying the on-going work of Latina and gender non-conforming Latinx critics. We’re always looking for more voices to add to our community so check out our pitch guide below if you want to sound off on your favorite piece of media or cultural moment, we want to hear from you. And we pay (thanks Critical Minded!): $150 for each 600+ word piece.
Submit pitches to Matthew Warren, European News Editor at Are you a freelance journalist with a hot scoop or juicy scandal, a compelling profile of a scientist, or an original take on a science policy issue? If so, bring it to the award-winning News department of Science, the flagship research journal from the world’s largest general science society. We have plenty of appetite for freelance contributions—everything from 140-word news briefs to 2500-word features to investigative projects. Our rates begin at $0.75 per word for online-only stories and $1.25 per word for print-only stories. For certain types of stories, we pay a flat rate negotiated in advance—a typical online Q&A, for example, is $500. We cover travel expenses if agreed upon in advance and pay for reporting by the hour under certain circumstances.
Our typical article runs 500 to 1000 words and could be focused on recent research, anatomy hacks, soulful first-person sharing, reporting on a recent happening or trend, or a larger feature that explores some aspect of the practice or industry of yoga.
Outside publishes stories about adventure sports, gear, travel, fitness, health, culture, and the environment. We’re always on the lookout for reporting, essays, service pieces, and media reviews focused on the outdoor world. Rates typically start at 50 cents per word for online stories and go up from there, depending on the complexity of the reporting and your experience as a writer. Our features run anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 words, though most land somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000. Various other departments from health to adventure to travel.
QVC seeks personal stories for its Menopause Your Way project, exploring various subjects like: empty nesting and reclaiming your space at home, navigating career transitions, pursuing hobbies, discovering new passions and interests, and challenging stereotypes surrounding menopause and middle age. Pays £300 for 800-1000 words. Submit stories to
Central Coast Farm & Ranch is a quarterly magazine circulated in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. It is distributed as a benefit of membership in the Santa Barbara and Ventura County Farm Bureaus, and its primary audience is members of the Central Coast agricultural community. stories and photographs
that appeal to supporters of local food, fans of local restaurants that feature local food, and members of the general public interested in learning about the past, present and future of the region’s signature industry. Each issue includes several features on topics specific to Central Coast agriculture, as well as departments devoted to local history, edible gardening, agri-tourism destinations, and industry news briefs. Length varies: 1,000-1,500 words for a cover story or feature, 500-700 words for departments, and 300 or fewer words for news briefs. Pay ranges from 50 cents to $1 a word for features, depending on placement and other factors, and is a flat $350 for departments. Pay rate for feature photographs is $75-$150 per assignment, with a bonus of $300 for cover art.
Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr. is a 32-page magazine designed to inspire, entertain and teach Christian values to children ages 3-7. The magazine, which has a circulation of over 50,000, reaches young readers and their parents. While our stories aren’t always explicitly Christian, they should be built on a foundation of Christian beliefs and family values. Key elements in a strong story are humor and charm. Fiction stories should be 800-1,000 words in length. Rebus stories should be 200 words. We are always looking for unique and interesting nonfiction stories and articles, especially stories about animals. Every article should have a Christian angle, though it shouldn’t be overbearing. We generally pay between 15 and 25 cents per word, depending on the amount of editing required.
Here at International Living, we believe in one simple idea…in the right places overseas, you can live better, for less. A healthier, safer, freer, more affordable retirement can be yours in one of the many retirement havens around the world. Website articles: If we publish your article, we will pay you a one-time rate based on word count, $100 for 1,000 words, $150 for 1,500 etc. Postcard articles: If we publish your postcard, we will pay you a one-time rate of $100, including any photos you may wish to include. Magazine articles: Payment is upon publication. International Living buys all rights and we pay $225 for 900 words and $350 for 1,600 words. As regards photographs, if we use one of yours we pay $50 for one-time use and you retain the rights.
Charitable Traveller magazine seeks to engage sustainably-minded travel writers familiar with Florida for multiple commissioned articles. The remuneration is set at 20 cents per word, and there is no need to submit pitches at this time. Instead, writers will be briefed. Please send your writing samples and a brief bio to editor Bec Miles via .
Most ADDitude articles are written by journalists and mental-health professionals. However, we are happy to receive first-person articles by parents, employers, teachers, etc. with personal experience with ADHD or LD and insights that might be helpful to ADDitude‘s readers. Articles are usually 2,000 words or less and payment varies according to the article length, the experience and expertise of the author, and other factors. They accept blog posts of 500 to 800 words. Expect ten cents/word and up.
For new contributors, the best way to break into the magazine is through departments, which run from 1,000 to 1,800 words. Features run from approximately 1,500 to 2,500 words. We are not interested in poetry, fiction or editorial cartoons. The magazine covers New York’s six-million-acre Adirondack Park, which offers more wild country than Yellowstone, Yosemite and Glacier National Parks combined. Departments run from 1000 to 1800 words and features are 1500 to 3500 words. Pays about 30 cents/word.
Arkansas Soul Media is a nonprofit organization with the goal of amplifying the voice of talented writers and content creators of color who present content concerning BIPOC. Submission categories are General Submissions, Feature Stories, Personal Essays, News Stories, Profiles & Interviews, Audio (including podcasts) and Videos. Pays as follows. Reimagine Arkansas stories and content (500-2000 words) $150-$300. Personal essays, first-person accounts, op-eds (750-2000 words) $100-$250. Reported news stories (500-1000 words) $150-$250. Feature stories (1000-2000 words) $150-$250. Profiles and interviews (flexible word count) $150-$250. Videos, Documentaries (2-3-minute minimum) $250-$500.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies publishes “literary adventure fantasy”: stories with a secondary-world setting and some fantasy feel, but written with a literary approach. We are NOT interested in urban fantasy or other types of stories set in our modern, contemporary “real world,” even if they contain fantasy elements, or in stories that move between the real world and a fantasy world. Limit 15,000 words. Pays eight cents/word.
The Outlaw Report provides up-to-date and in-depth coverage of developments affecting cannabis legalization stakeholders in Eastern U.S. markets. Email about DMV Cannabis. Rates between $100-300 per article of 300-1000 words. Accepts pitches on a rolling basis.
The Lead is a micro-mag: a lean, mean site on politics, culture, and everything in between. We cover the sharp angles that define our life in the UK today: poverty, racism, climate change, corporate and government malfeasance, the breakdown of our healthcare system and the fracturing of the state. From villains to heroes, we’re interested in all. Also welcomes pitches on education and criminal justice, or lack thereof; and on topics crucial but neglected. Rates start at £180 for an op-ed and go up from there. Op-eds are 800-1200 words, features 1500-2000 words. Main focus is the UK, but relevant global submissions welcome.
Frivolous Comma exists to spotlight and elevate diverse writers of speculative fiction, particularly writers who are underrepresented (BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+) as well as writers who come from, or currently reside in, markets where English is not the first language. That said, we’re currently not able to accept non-English stories. We’re looking for science fiction, fantasy, horror, the uncanny, or any work (fiction, nonfiction, or poetry) that orbit this genre, with a particular focus on characters in some type of transition. Pays $0.08/word with $100 minimum.
The Malahat Review welcomes submissions of poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as translated work in any of these three genres, by new and established writers from Canada and abroad. We read submissions from Canadian writers all year. Because we receive so many submissions, we accept work from international writers only during certain months, depending on the genre. We pay CAD$70 per published page plus a one-year print subscription and two copies of the issue in which your work appears.
The focus of Trails is on backpacking and other human/naturally-powered means of sleeping outdoors: bikepacking, canoe camping, even things like rafting or mountaineering are fair game. We also primarily focus on North American destinations. We’re looking for stories about out-of-the-box ideas and solutions, unique personalities and trips, and creative angles that explore the infinite number of trails we can take as backpackers. Features range anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 words. The “Blazes” section is dedicated to short (typically between 300 and 800 word) articles, opinion, current events, profiles, and other quick-hit types of stories. Each issue features one recipe (or potentially multiple shorter related recipes), as well as various shorter (less than 500 word) food-related stories. We like to highlight one especially unique, out-of-the-box adventure in a 500- to 900-word trip report. Essays are 500- to 1000-word articles with no skills value and are instead focused on reflection and creative writing. We’re interested in all manner of outdoor-related opinion, especially provocative, unique, or challenging opinions. This is also a great place for humor. Shorter, lighter opinions will often become Blazes, while lengthier (up to 1000 words), more critical, or more heavily reported opinions will end up in a separate Opinion rubric. We pay our writers a minimum of $0.50/word—that climbs based on the story and your experience.
Submissions to Habitats Magazine are now open. We are looking for optimistic and uplifting short science-fiction stories on any subject, and strongly encourage writers from all backgrounds to submit.
Stories should range from 1,000 to 6,000 words and are paid at ten cents per word upon publication.
Samovar is a triannual magazine of and about speculative fiction in translation, published by Strange Horizons. We want excellent speculative fiction stories, and strong poems, in translation! For newly translated stories, accompanied by the original-language version, we pay 8 US cents per word to the author, and 8 US cents per word to the translator, up to a maximum word count of 3,750 words. We cap payment at $300 to the translator and $300 to the author. For reprints of translated stories, accompanied by the original-language version, we pay a flat US$100 to the author and US$100 to the translator. For poetry we pay US$40 to the author and US$40 to the translator. For review-essays, we pay US$40 regardless of final wordcount. For interview/conversations, we pay each participant US$40 regardless of final wordcount.
Black Girl Times (BGX) is always looking for thought-provoking stories and content for Black women, girls, and the people who love them. We are Black, Southern girls, women, gender non-conforming, and we are resisters. Our pay rate– $0.25 to $1.00 per word–for writers depends on your level of experience, skill, and other factors.
Every once in a while, Fancy Comma, LLC accepts pitched guest posts to be published on our blog. At the present moment, we are happy to pay $75 per published 800-1200 word article, though we do not accept all pitched submissions. We’re most interested in the intersections of science, politics, and society; ways to improve Science Communication or #SciComm; and essays and articles that shine a light on new or previously unilluminated perspectives. We are especially interested in publishing the work of people who are experts in a given field, and have something to add to the discourse on a given topic, but who may not consider themselves to be the best writers. We’re happy to work with you to refine your ideas and make them suitable for publication.
We publish stories about media work and journalism, specifically ones that center workers, rather than treating them as an afterthought. The Digest focuses on major news stories in the media world and should feel something like reading the opening few pages of a magazine — fun, informative, quick-reading, and of-the-moment without being too overtly news-y. The ideal newsletter will be anchored by a timely lede essay, nothing robust enough to be a report — think in the 500- to 1000-word range — and is followed by an assortment of four to six rubrics of varying lengths and formats that staffers also contribute to. Pay is $759 per digest.
Story idea letters for specific features and departments should be one page in length and accompanied by recent writing samples. The letter should explain the idea for the piece, tell how you would approach it as a writer, give some sense of your writing style, and mention the section of the magazine for which the piece is intended. Your samples should not include the actual story that you are proposing, except in the case of personal essays, which should be submitted in full. Pays up to a dollar per word.
Deceleration welcomes submissions from freelance journalists, writers, and media producers whose interests fall within the scope of our mission. We welcome proposals for short- and long-form news articles, community op-eds, personal or creative nonfiction essays, theoretical/political analysis, calls to action, multimedia content, and hybrid concepts (documentary poetry, photo essay), and more. You can introduce yourself via the online Google form and email your specific proposal to Pay is negotiable, but generally ranges from $250 for shorter explanatory stories, videos, or photo essays, to $0.50/word for longer-form investigative and time-intensive features. Currently needing experienced freelance climate journalists/reporters and future community advisors for our growing bioregional journal of environmental justice news, thought, and action.
At present The Threepenny Review is paying $400 per story or article, $200 per poem or Table Talk piece. This payment buys first serial rights in our print and digital editions, and the copyright then reverts to the author immediately upon publication. As a rule, critical articles should be about 1200 to 2500 words, Table Talk items 1000 words or less, stories and memoirs 4000 words or less, and poetry 100 lines or less.
We’re dedicated to publishing fiction that reflects the entire spectrum of the human experience. Stories that evoke a sense of wonder, have deep emotional resonance, and have something unreal about them. We aim for a 12-17 age range: that means sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal, and without gratuitous or explicit sex, violence or pervasive obscene language. Think Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. We’re looking for fiction with strong pacing, well-defined characters, engaging dialogue, and clear action. Genres are fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Also happy to read comedy, Steampunk, age-appropriate paranormal romance, superheroes and many other genres. All that matters is adherence to our core concept and that critical spark of wonder. We are open to submissions of up to 6,000 words.
Looking for unique pitches and perspectives on Nintendo topics (naturally). Retro or current, nothing is too niche with the right angle. Rates start at ~£100 and can scale to £250+ depending on scope. Please send pitches to Gavin Lane at
Send queries to Bonnie Stiernberg, Managing Editor at Rates vary depending on length, how much reporting is involved, etc. but typically start around $350. Seeks culture pieces (especially music and TV, but open to everything) pitches as well as beer pitches. With a team of editors, writers and contributors spread across the globe, InsideHook features both short, digestible takes on the most relevant topics of the day, as well as longer reads that give you a deep look at the various facets of culture, wellness and leisure.
The Rest of World Features section is our home for longform, narrative journalism about technology and its impact. We are looking for local stories with global implications, which focus on any country except the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Western Europe, and Australia. Our stories usually explore the human-level impact of tech internationally. We prioritize local voices (in terms of both writers and sources) and aim to connect the dots at a global scale. Features are generally 3,000 words+ in length, and are usually narrative in style. Payment varies depending on a story’s length, the amount of reporting required, and the format. Our rates start at $1/word.
Positive News is the online and print magazine for rigorous journalism about what’s going right. We report socially relevant and uplifting stories of progress – ranging from the global boom in renewable energy to cities that are solving homelessness – joining the dots between how people, communities and organisations are changing the world for the better. The standard rate is 30p per word.
We’re looking for around 800 words and pay starts at $300. We want stories that deeply connect a food to a place and its people, history, culture, and traditions.
If you have something women’s sport and lifestyle related that you want to shout about/explore/get off your chest, we’re all ears! Pitch . Glorious is super visual and we love great imagery (we don’t use stock, etc.), so imagery that could work is always a plus. We take stories and writers all over the world. Rates depend on word count, etc. Pays £200 to £400 per piece. We are on a mission to elevate women’s sport through the lens of art and culture. We give a platform to stories that deserve to be told and are carving out more space for female voices in sport, be that at grassroots or professional level.
New Lines Magazine publishes essays and reportage on a wide range of subjects that focus broadly on the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. We also cover politics, culture and controversies in the United States, Europe, Latin America, Russia and Central Asia, and conduct deep-dive investigative journalism based on open-source intelligence and leaked data.
Longreads is dedicated to publishing and sharing the best longform nonfiction storytelling on the web.
Essays and columns typically run between 2,000 and 6,000 words. Pieces may be longer or broken up into a series depending on the length and subject matter. Personal essays should be submitted on spec, and we pay $500 per essay. We accept pitches for researched and reported essays, critical essays, and columns. Rates start at $500, with the fee varying depending on the level of reporting and research required, as well as the overall word count.
Quartz at Work is a guide to being a better manager, building your career, and navigating the modern workplace. Our staff of reporters works every day to report the most interesting stories and practices from workplaces around the world. Seeks pieces for these topics: careering, identity and inclusion, managing, productivity and creativity, the office, the purpose of companies, the lives of working parents, and leaders and leadership. Pitch Gabriella Riccardi, Deputy Editor at Pay is 50 cents/word.
Students, parents, and educators: If you want to share your story, please consider writing for Chalkbeat’s First Person essay series. Pays $125 per essay. Send your pitch or piece to Gabrielle Birkner, Features Editor, at
Fields & Stations publishes good writing for curious travelers. The magazine is devoted to the magic of both the far-flung and the familiar, balancing the everyday and the remarkable. Fields & Stations focusses on little cultural objects (a shop; a cocktail; a sandwich) to tell big stories. Seeking currently road trip pieces. Pays €1500 for 3000 words plus images. Pitch
Regular entries are science fiction and speculative fiction, no more than 1,000 words. Pays eight cents/word. This is for marginalized members of the sci-fi/spec community—this includes people of color, the LGBTQ2S+ community, members of marginalized genders, and disabled and neurodiverse people.
We want stories that blur the line between “genre” fiction and literary fiction. We want stories that reach toward the stars while never forgetting the people on the ground. And we want it all in under 1,200 words. Pays eight cents/word.
Grizzle is an organic growth agency that helps B2B, SaaS, and tech companies create and distribute actionable and value-driven content. Clients include CXL, Pipedrive,, Yac, and Tide. Our goal is to help them surpass their traffic, lead generation, and growth goals using a proven content marketing methodology. We’ll provide you with a steady stream of interesting work, processes and courses to empower you to write your best content, and ongoing support. Pieces are generally 2,000 to 3,000 words. Eighty percent of our projects are blog articles. The other twenty percent is made up of landing page copy, ebooks, and guest posts. We pay our freelance writers $600 per blog article.
The Brooklyn Rail provides an independent forum for arts, culture, and politics throughout New York City and far beyond. Our journal, in addition to featuring local reporting; criticism of music, dance, film, and theater; and original fiction and poetry, covers contemporary visual art in particular depth. Elizabeth Lothian, Books Editor, is currently seeking coverage of newly released fiction and literary nonfiction. Pays up to $150 per piece. See website for other editors and other columns open to pitches.
We especially love stories about how science and tech are shaping specific communities around the world and online. Columns include Tech Populism, Far Future, Power in Tech, and The News. Motherboard’s most successful stories are ones that delve deep into individual communities or tell us how some niche concern has broader implications for all of us. Twitter comments from the editor talks $300 to $600 per piece.
We pay fixed rates for three types of articles: $250 for brief stories under 500 words; $500 for mappable-list articles, as well as analysis and explainer pieces that don’t require interviews with word count of 500–750 words, and up to 1,000; and $750 for larger data visualizations, and reported stories with multiple interviews and sources. We aim for 750–1,000 words here. We are currently building a catalog of evergreen (i.e. interesting outside the news cycle) content of 250 to 1,000 words across five areas of News, Sports, Transit, Arts, and Fun.
RIDE TEXAS® is a journalism award-winning travel magazine for motorcyclists. Our focus is regional and includes travel within Texas and into the neighboring states. Broadly speaking, articles should cover the background of the area and insights into the people and places encountered. Part of the submission package is the GO Planner information, which includes an area overview, and a route, as well as reference information. Expect up to $400.
At The Infatuation, we’re on a mission to create the most trustworthy and useful restaurant recommendation platform. We’re looking to expand our travel coverage with guides to the best restaurants (with some hotel recommendations) in cities both in the US and all around the world. Our guides are made up of between 10-20 restaurants, along with three to five hotel recommendations. A typical restaurant and hotel write-up is around three to five sentences. Our rates start at $600 per guide with flexibility for more if you’re able to take photos and videos. Pitch with the destination guide you’re looking to write, a list of 3-5 restaurants you’d want to include on the guide (and a short explanation as to why), any round-up clips you’ve written, and your bio.
WebMD is currently looking for experienced freelance healthcare writers to contribute articles that are both factually correct and accessible to a general audience. The goal of these articles is to offer consumers valuable and unique information about addiction and/or Medicare topics, while also connecting them with healthcare or insurance services they may need. Pay ranges from $50-$180 for each 500-1,500 word article.
Looking for great writers who can turn stuff around fast. Ideally, I’m looking for people who write with the ethos and speed of a journalist. Even better if you read voraciously and write because it feels good. People who like what they do are better at their jobs. We pay above market rate. We’re fully remote. Pitch Kate Monica at Pays $400 and up.
The Drift is a magazine of culture and politics. We want socially engaged cultural criticism; class-sensitive analysis; pieces that point out what’s being avoided or talked around in politics, media, arts, or even academia; upbeat cynicism; un-self-serious screeds; generous takedowns; entries from the margins; fiction; poetry; one- to three-sentence book/ movie/ TV/ art reviews. We pay $2,000 for essays, $500 – $1,000 for short stories, $150 for poems, $25 for Mentions. Pitch us at
Oregon Humanities publishes essays, photographs, films, audio recordings, data visualizations and infographics, and other media that explore the thoughts, perspectives, and experiences of Oregonians, especially those who have been ignored, generalized, or oppressed. Work is published on our website or in print in Oregon Humanities magazine. We exclusively publish work by Oregon-based creators. We pay on acceptance, after the satisfactory completion of required revisions. Payment ranges from $200 to $300 for shorter online pieces and $500 to $1000 for personal essays and features; payment varies depending on the length and complexity of the piece, and whether it is an original, commissioned work or a reprint or adaptation of an existing piece.
We’re looking for pieces that highlight unspoken truths, provide honest advice, and profile “emerging” creatives or those deserving of a platform they may not find in mainstream publications. Also ridiculous humor pieces—sometimes the world needs ridiculous humor. We’re accepting pitches for articles, including interviews (specific need for articles focusing on the publishing industry); short stories (any length); and poetry. We do not accept screenplay, comic book, or novel submissions. Pay expected from $300 and up.
We are seeking freelance writers with relevant experience covering the US real estate investment industry. The ideal candidate should have native fluency in written English and be capable of reporting on daily real estate investing news and analysis. We expect our writers to deliver stories within a matter of days. In addition, the candidate should be comfortable pitching two story angles per week. Priority will be given to candidates who can demonstrate a track record in real estate investing research and analysis. The compensation for this position is US$350 per 1,000-word story.
Voices of Disability Economic Justice, a project of the The Century Foundation’s Disability Economic Justice Team, is a commentary series that shines a light on the economic disparities that disabled people experience. Payment for published pieces is $500. We’re looking for op-ed style pieces and personal narratives of approximately 750 words in length written by people who identify as disabled.
The purpose of this column is to show our readers how real people across the United States spend their money on food and drinks throughout the week. Every diary entry will highlight seven days of food — groceries, restaurants, drinks, and freebies — from someone who lives within a weekly food budget. Do you keep a strict weekly budget and want to show the world how you make it happen? Awesome — we want your (anonymous) voice on Kitchn. Send an email to with “Grocery Diaries Submission” in the subject line. In the email, tell us: Your location, Age, Number of people in your family or household, Occupation and salary, Weekly food budget, Ingredients to use this week, Grocery store(s) of choice. If we ask you to write a full diary, we’ll pay you $150.
So, How Did It Go? is a weekly series that will make you cringe with second-hand embarrassment or ooze with jealousy as people share their worst and best date stories. Pitch to Jess at Pays £100 for 800 words. (Thanks to
Vulture is organized in large part by subject, with editors in charge of each coverage area who handle freelance assigning for that beat. Further down on this web page you’ll find details on what each specific subject editor wants from pitches. Payment starts at $200. Vulture covers TV, movies, music, comedy, books, podcasts, and streaming.
Bolts is always seeking to work with freelancers to report on critical voting rights and criminal justice stories across the United States. We encourage pitches that fit our mission to grow coverage of the local and state politics, elections, policymaking, and organizing that shape these issues—think of county prosecutors and sheriffs, secretaries of state and local election administrators, state legislators, municipal officials, and the activism brewing around them. If you want to pitch a story that you want to write for Bolts, please send two to three paragraphs to Most of the stories we publish involve original reporting; the default rate we offer for a story with original reporting is $800.
We’re commissioning a new series for Talking Travel Writing all about how freelancers got their gigs. These pieces aim to demystify the process of ideation, pitching, travelling and writing, and offer insight to fellow freelancers about how others make this business work. We will pay £100 on submission for the finished article once commissioned.
Pitch Emily Carmichael, Managing Editor at A U.S.-focused travel magazine, seeks four types of coverage for both online and print. 1) Features on any aspect of the music scenes in up-and-coming cities for online. 2) Oral histories of important local music businesses, like iconic record stores or music venues, that are woven into the community fabric and reflect the uniqueness and values of a place. 3) 500ish word profiles, travelogs, photo essays or guides of cool, accessible places to go that are exceptional but for some reason still under the radar. 4) Profiles, service features, travelogs or photo essays on up-and-coming, boutique or independent hotels. We are particularly interested in sustainable hotels that walk the walk, not just talk the talk and hotels with a distinct POV on bringing to life unique music, food, art or design experiences for their guests and the community. Rates start at $250 and go up to $500+. Please, no high end or luxury travel pitches.
Bicycling publishes stories about every aspect of cycling, from tips on how to pick out your first bike to human interest pieces to training techniques for competitive cyclists aiming to get better for their next event, and everything in between. We speak to all cyclists: beginners, weekend riders, fans of the pro peloton, cross racers, gear fanatics, and more. Our audience responds best to stories that explain how to better themselves as cyclists for every ride. Pays up to a dollar per word.
We’re interested in personal essays, opinion pieces, and conversation starters on topics related to relationships, health, and money. Most of the work we publish is through a feminist lens. We’re currently looking for stories to publish in our newsletter, The Things We Don’t Talk About. You’ll reach an audience of over 15,000+, who are generally interested in topics having to do with gender, power, and technology. Our rates for Diem stories start at $200 and the majority of commissioned stories hit the 700-word mark unless otherwise specified.
Original (not reprint) science fiction and fantasy flash stories up to 1,000 words, with no minimum requirement. Speculative poems of any length. Ideally the stories should leave the reader feeling hopeful, peaceful, or happy. Pays ten cents per word for fiction, and fifty dollars for poetry.
Seeks deeply reported stories with a narrative arc. Also good personal essays. Commissions reporters who write about places they know, to include writers from all corners of the US. Word count 2,000 to 4,000 words. Pays 60 cents to a dollar per word. Send pitches to Jessica Reed at
Xtra is an award-winning digital magazine and community platform covering LGBTQ2S+ politics, culture, sex, relationships and health. We tell stories in multiple ways: Short and long features, profiles, Q&As, essays, opinion pieces, explainers, video documentaries and podcasts. Xtra’s “Love Like Mine” column celebrates LGBTQ2S+ love in all its forms—romantic, familial, platonic and more. Pays around $350 per piece.
While we may highlight other areas of the West, our main coverage footprint extends across Northern California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska, with most of our readers residing in Northern California and Arizona. Our main categories are: Road Trips, National Parks, Places to Visit, Things to Do, Eat & Drink, Travel Tips, Car, House & Home, How to, Smart Guides, and Your Money. Seeks to teach readers how to enjoy everything that’s beautiful, intriguing, adventurous, fun, and delicious in their backyards and throughout the West. Pays up to a dollar per word.
Openly is a global digital platform delivering fair, accurate and impartial lgbt+ news to a world that isn’t. Powered by original coverage from the Thomson Reuters Foundation, Openly also aggregates select lgbt+ news and authoritative reports from other sources, with the ambition of becoming the ultimate destination for trusted lgbt+ news and information from around the world. Seeking interesting and timely first person/opinion pieces for Openly. Pitch Lucy Middleton at . Pays around £300 per piece.
Capital B Atlanta is the first in a growing network of local newsrooms anchored by Capital B’s national hub. Our Atlanta newsroom publishes need-to-know information — such as how to find affordable housing, apply for benefits, and vote — civic journalism, and accountability reporting, with an editorial strategy informed by intensive community listening and engagement with Black metro Atlanta residents. Pitch Gavin Godfrey, Editor at Pays $250 to $800+ per article.
Cutleaf publishes a new issue every other week. We welcome unsolicited original prose (both creative nonfiction and fiction) and poetry from established and emerging writers during our open submission windows. Cutleaf is interested in fiction of all shapes and sizes, although we are generally interested in work less than 6,000 words. Cutleaf will pay from $100 to $400 for published fiction. Cutleaf is interested in essays in both standard and hybrid forms, under 6,000 words. Cutleaf will pay from $100 to $400 for published nonfiction prose. Cutleaf is interested in poetry of many styles and formats. We will read up to seven poems at a time per author. Cutleaf will pay from $50 to $200 for published poetry.
Quartz at Work is a guide to being a better manager, building your career, and navigating the modern workplace. Our staff of reporters works every day to report the most interesting stories and practices from workplaces around the world. The reason that we want you to write an article is because you bring something unique to it. You may not be the first person to write about, say, how to hire people effectively, but your experience may help you explain why a particular strategy works well. You might approach an old topic from a new angle, or your expertise in a relevant field may help explain a newsworthy event in an unexpected way. Rate is $0.50/word. Email is Gabriella Riccardi, Deputy Editor, at
We’re launching a fun new column over My Imperfect Life and we need your fun or unusual dating stories, dilemmas and experiences. Ideally first-person but open to ideas. Hit me up at Mariana Cerqueira, Editor, Rates are £200/$250. We cover entertainment, fashion, beauty, travel and wellbeing, with a mix of the news you need to know about, inspiring features, interesting interviews, as well as reviews and edits of products you might like.
Submit polished manuscripts via email to Editor-in-Chief Mike Floyd (, and state “gray’s manuscript” in the subject line. We expect competent, vividly written prose—fact or fiction—that has high entertainment value for a very sophisticated audience. Gray’s is published seven times a year, including four themed issues: the Fly Fishing Edition (March/April), the Upland Bird Hunting Edition (August), the Big Game Edition (September/October), and the Expeditions and Guides Annual (December). We’re always looking for good upland-bird-hunting, fly-fishing, and big-game manuscripts for these issues and throughout the year, but don’t confine yourself to these themes. Other subjects of interest include: Waterfowl, Turkeys, Small Game, Unusual Quarry (feral hogs, etc.), Sporting Adventures in exciting locales, foreign and domestic. Yarns—tall tales or true. Our tastes in poetry are sufficiently eclectic to consider practically anything, though we prefer poems shorter than 1,000 words. Yarns are just that—campfire tales, fact or fiction, and should run from 750 to 1,500 words. Features may be fact or fiction, hunting or fishing, long or short but no shorter than 1,500 words. We pay from $600 to $1,250 for features, based on quality, not length; yarns average $600; poems, $100. We pay $50 to $300 for photographs. For Expeditions pieces, we pay $850 to $1,000 plus $75 per picture published.
We usually publish stories about media work and journalism, specifically ones that treat workers as central to the story rather than an afterthought. Our service content debunks common myths about the media industry and provides writers with a baseline for starting their freelance practice. Many departments to pitch to. Blog 800-1,000 words and $300-350. Essays 2,000 words and $500. Reports 800-1,600 words and $400-600. Features over 2,000 words paying $1,200. Q&As of 1,000 words paying $250. How-tos of 500-1,200 words paying $350. Guides paying $800-1,200. They also seek panelists and workshop leaders.
The Fence is an independent quarterly magazine based in London. We publish essays, comic sketches, investigations and fiction. The magazine ships internationally but is focused around life in the uk and Ireland. Within the magazine, there are four sections, each with a different tone: ‘Facts’, ‘Features’, ‘Fiction’, ‘Etc’. Pays £75 – £250 give or take.
Layered Butter is committed to publishing insightful and engaging works for both established and emerging writers, journalists, and critics. We are currently accepting submissions for our website and physical/digital publication. Our essays and criticism works tend to be between 1,000 and 2,000 words, though we are open to longer pieces. Layered Butter publishes limited edition collectible books and merchandise inspired by the world of film. Our mission is to champion what we love about the movies to cinephiles all around the world. Pays up to $500.
Appetite for Distraction is a newsletter that dissects how tech is bridging the gap between art and commerce. Rates start at $300 to $400 per original piece. Interviews are paid out at $250. Direct pitches to Yash Bagal, Music and Technology Editor at with the subject line “AfD Pitch: [Your Pitch Title]”
Seeks journalism about how climate change is affecting birds and ecosystems, and new approaches to address the crisis. Rates are roughly $.50/word online and $1/word for print. Our editors are interested in shorter pieces that generally run fewer than 1,200 words for both our quarterly print magazine and website. We also consider a wide range of freelance pitches for longer pieces, from in-depth investigations and trailblazer profiles to package features and reported or personal essays; these usually range from around 1,500 words to 4,000 words, and our sweet spot is about 3,000 words.
They are always in need of highly skilled, knowledgeable writers to help us cover stories on HIV/AIDS and related issues. Seeks reported articles, op-eds, and in-depth reporting. Rates start at $350 for interviews and can go up to $600 for deep dives.
A publication for California Farm Bureau. Ag Alert, a weekly newspaper the covers California agriculture, is looking for freelance reporters based in different regions of the state to write about farming, ranching and agricultural communities. Candidates should also be able to take high-quality photographs suitable for Ag Alert section covers. Pays $250 for articles ranging from 700 to 900 words, with potential higher rates for extra field reporting, plus $50 for photographs and mileage for longer-distance assignments. Freelancers often produce multiple engaging pieces from farming regions or agricultural events. To apply, please send a resume and two to five writing samples to Peter Hecht, chief editor of publications, at
Each article will need to be between 1000 to 1500 words. We will give you subject matters to write about but also welcome ideas from the writers themselves. Our reimbursement is in the median range of $100 to $150 per article plus you will get great exposure on our website. Please include your resume and links to several examples of your work when applying to:, a real estate subscription-based platform for off-market properties, is looking for experienced, talented freelance content writers who understand the Real Estate Industry primarily in Florida and Ohio, from a realtor or investors perspective.
The Tennessee Lookout is your watchdog, telling the stories of politics and policy that affect the people of the Volunteer State. Our investigative reporters and journalists explain what’s happening, why it’s happening, and who it helps or hurts. We expose the relationships between politics, people and policy and we hold the powerful accountable. Send pitches and writing samples to
The Home Forum is searching for upbeat personal essays of from 600 to 800 words. These are first-person, nonfiction explorations of how you responded to a place, a person, a situation, an event, or happenings in everyday life. Tell a story with a point; share a funny true tale. Describe a self-discovery. The humor should be gentle. We accept essays on a wide variety of subjects and encourage timely, newsy topics. However, we don’t deal with the topics of death, aging, medicine, or disease. We do not publish work that presents people in helpless or hopeless states. We pay $250 for an essay, upon publication.
We accept fiction and creative nonfiction (up to 4000 words); flash fiction (up to 1000 words); poetry (up to three pages). We believe writers and artists should get paid for the work they produce and we are delighted to offer payment of €200 for a short story or CNF piece, €100 for a poem or piece of flash. They have periodic open submissions. Watch on Twitter or their website for those dates.
SLEEP FOUNDATION welcomes all proposals for stories related to sleep, as well as writers and experts who are interested in appearing on the site. This is a US audience so only accepts English. Limit 1,000 words. Estimated pay at a dollar per word.
At Monarch, we’re committed to creating and publishing mental health articles that are clear, honest, and actionable. The typical length of articles we publish is 1,000-3,500 words, depending on the topic. Estimated pay $500 and up flat fee.
Balls & Strikes covers courts, the judges who preside over them, and the legal system they uphold. Specifically, we are looking for critical perspectives on these extremely powerful institutions, and for writers who do not think an outcome is necessarily good just because it is the product of an archaic process run by argumentative people with six figures’ worth of law school debt. Our coverage focuses on the real-world consequences of what judges do, and not on parsing the precise jurisprudential philosophy they did or did not apply in order to arrive at a given result. Typically, these essays run between 800 and 1,200 words. Typically, we pay $500 for essays of about 1000 words, and adjust both figures up or down based on a project’s scope, the depth of necessary research, your availability, and the like.
We regularly seek new contributors who wish to have their work read by an international audience of academics, policymakers, businesspeople and others who rely on WPR for thoughtful, non-partisan, insightful analysis of the most pressing international issues of the day. Briefings are generally 1,000-1,200 words in length. They should look beyond the basic facts to offer our readers context and insight on current events and policy debates. In-depth articles are 2,400 words and take a deeper and more comprehensive look at an issue. Our standard honorarium for briefings is $300. Rates for feature articles are individually negotiated.
AFAR aims to make a positive impact on the world through high-quality storytelling that inspires, enriches, and empowers travelers. We are currently redesigning the magazine, around editorial values that include inclusivity, optimism, radical empathy, curiosity, and joy. AFAR Magazine publishes a range of reported features, personal essays, opinion pieces, photo essays, illustrated features, short fiction, poetry, and shorter middle-of-book pieces. Instead of more traditional aspirational lifestyle travel stories, we tell the stories of a place and the people who live there. See below for some examples of our favorite stories. Our rate starts at $1/word.
Our State: Celebrating North Carolina has been the most comprehensive source of information on the people, places, culture, and history of North Carolina. We publish well-written, high-quality articles on subjects of interest to those who live in, visit, or simply love the Tar Heel state. We work with a variety of freelance and in-house writers. Our average feature article length is about 1,200 words. Departments run 500 to 800 words. Payment for articles is made on publication. Fees will be agreed upon at the time a story is assigned.
Planners rely on Planning for news, analyses, and best practices in planning, including city, suburban, rural, and small town planning; environmental planning; neighborhood revitalization; economic development; planning for equity; and urban design. Planning generally does not pay for articles by practicing planners, attorneys, or university faculty members. For others, fees are worked out individually; they usually range from $100 to $1,000 for articles, depending on length, and $50 to $300 for photographs and drawings.
We welcome contributed articles from industry experts, providing the content is exclusive to MedTech Strategist and did not/will not appear in another format elsewhere. Many of our subscribers are in medical device, diagnostics, and biopharma companies. MedTech Strategist feature articles are typically 2,000 to 3,000 words long. Shorter articles and opinion pieces run between 750 and 1,500 words.
WIRED is a publication about change—about the ways science and technology are reshaping the world and what it means to be human. While the subjects of WIRED stories run the gamut from deep dives into the biggest tech companies to Hindu extremism to digital blackface to space food to true crime, every story has technology, science, or innovation as one of its key variables. There are two main areas where we assign stories to contributors from outside our staff: features and essays (for our Ideas section). We also assign a smaller number of freelance stories for our business, science, and service sections. Finished pieces tend to be in the range of 1,200 to 1,800 words. Under our new system, we will offer set project fees depending on the factors described above—story length, time involved, and intensity of the reporting and writing involved. These story fees now start at about $2,500 and rise from there. Other short, online-only content starts at $500 and rises with time commitment and reporting intensity.
Aurora is published online for alumni and friends of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. We will pay freelance writers 50 cents per word for the original word count assigned.
Seeks coverage of any aspect of cultural, scientific or historical Arab and Muslim worlds, including arts, archeology, history, geography, biography/profiles, cross-cultural connections, innovations, technology, trends and more. What will the story reveal that until now has been unknown or underappreciated? Protagonists and primary/live sources of Arab or Muslim heritages (“local voices/insiders”) are mixed as needed for the subject with those of other backgrounds. Does not want politics, religion, poetry, memoirs, academic papers; fiction, travelogues, foreign-aid stories and unpegged, generically topic-driven stories. Word count 500 to 2,500 words. Our rates are midrange, and they vary with a contributor’s background, location and the complexity of the story. Travel and other expenses are reimbursed at cost, based on a documented invoice.
We’re not looking for listicles, service pieces, or promotional material. We love literary stories, yet we also require research and reporting. And while we know you’re very excited about your upcoming trip, please understand that we are not driven by destinations. We are driven by stories. Your story should convey a strong sense of place, connect a journey to a broader issue or conversation, and capture our distinct, cinematic voice. Every Hidden Compass story is published alongside a patronage campaign that benefits both of us. Once the 90-day campaign is over, 50% of proceeds will support Hidden Compass, and the other 50% of proceeds go to you on top of our rates. Every story runs roughly between 2,000 and 3,000 words, and fits into one of our five unconventional themes. Pays $500 + 50% of fundraising proceeds.
The Blacklight, the NY Amsterdam News’ investigative unit, is looking for experienced freelance journalists. Currently we are accepting pitches for stories about the impact of COVID-19 as well as gun violence on Black and brown communities, esp. in NYC. We primarily work with journalists based in the NYC area but we are also open to pitches from journalists based outside the region. However, we require all our freelance journalists to have a connection to, understanding of, or experience reporting on Black and brown communities in the United States and/or New York City. Pays 50 cents to $2 per word.
Next City publishes news stories reported and written by journalists, and op-eds written by academics and practitioners in the fields we cover: urban policy, planning, housing, economic development, transportation, tech, environmental sustainability, arts and urban culture, health and safety, and design. We center equity in every sector we cover. Next City firmly believes that nothing we do in cities matters if we do not make life more equitable for everyone. Most of our stories are 800 to 1,500 words. We’re always looking for stories about solutions to advance social, racial or environmental justice in cities. Rates start at $400.
We want to find a balance in our coverage across the different regions of the U.S. while also considering the dynamics of class, gender, race and sexuality. We’re most interested in assigning destination or profile pieces (about people, places or hotels), first-person travelogues, think-piece essays, historical stories, sustainable tourism features and prominent Q&As. We want stories with vivid, funny writing combined with accurate and deep reporting. Pays $250-$700.
We are looking for speculative stories-science fiction, fantasy, horror-with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology. Stories can be up to 9,000 words. We pay eight cents/word for original stories (or original translations of stories that have not previously appeared in English), and four cents/word for reprints.
They just launched a sub-newsletter titled First Person Singular featuring original personal essays. Accepting *one* essay per month. If subscriptions grow to the point that they are more sustaining, will consider adding more pieces to the roster, adding an additional section for craft essays, and possibly hiring other editors. Completed personal essays of 1,500 to 2,500 words. The pay rate is $200.
Seeks journalism that helps you live your best life in Madison. Looking for stories about Madison, WI (priority given to service journalism!). Rate for a 600+-word reported story starts at $350. Pitch Editor Hayley Sperling at
At the moment, we’re looking for help writing home listings, but as part of our community, there’d be the opportunity to work on other projects within the Merchandising department. This is a remote role: it requires only a solid internet connection and the capacity to use Plum’s content management system. Training will be provided in this, as well as guidelines on the Plum tone of voice, and best practices with regard to photography. Experience in a copywriting role (either in-house or agency) is essential
Experience in the travel sector is desired, as is experience curating photos and working with a CMS
At this time, please note we are only looking for candidates who are available immediately and are able to commit to 3+ days a week (or equivalent hours).
The soft launch of the publication is in early 2023. This is a travel storytelling platform, and we only publish stories about places that are meant to be visited. Seeks first-person stories about place-based experiences, cultural traditions, or daily aspects of life told from the perspective of people who identify as “local.” These aren’t chronological or itinerary-focused stories but rather narratives that capture something special about a place. Generally 600-1,000 words. Pay is €100 – €150. Detailed destination guides have specific information about a particular place (generally a city or region) written by a local “expert” who knows the place particularly well. Generally 1,500-2,000 words. Pay is €100. Travellers’ Tales are stories written about a place-based experience by someone who has visited the destination. These are written from a first-person perspective and invite the reader in to observe and “participate” in this uniquely personal story. Generally 600-1,000 words. Pay is €100 – €150. Several other categories with different payments.
The Daily Beast’s Obsessed is always looking for reactions, explainers, interviews, reviews, and opinion pieces. We cover everything that’s happening in pop culture that you—and we—can’t stop loving, hating, and thinking about. We focus on TV, movies, music, celebs, and internet culture—but if you’re passionate about something, the likelihood is that we might be, too. Rates start at $250. Pitches and questions can be sent to
Celebrate Life Magazine is faith-based, and features human-interest stories, news, action items, information, and advice on a wide range of matters concerning the sanctity of life and human personhood. Each issue features a variety of articles, all of which must be in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Limit article length to 1,800 words, including any sidebars. Expect around 20 cents/word.
Cycle California! Magazine started life in the mid-1990s with the mission of providing timely information about bicycle events in Northern California. In the years following we launched the digital magazine and blog. Find the print version of Cycle California! in bike shops, running stores, coffee shops, and other locations in northern California from Kern County to the Oregon border, in the Carson Valley of Nevada and in southern Oregon from the border north to Bend and Newport. Pitch Tracy Corral, Editor, at Expect around 10 cents/word for articles not to exceed 1,200 words. (Thanks on this one)
Comstock’s is the premier monthly business publication in California’s Capital Region. Serving Sacramento and the nine surrounding counties for more than 30 years. Check out the navigation bar on our homepage for a list of the main topics we cover (e.g., transportation, real estate, health care, education, development, law and government, cannabis, food and agriculture). Seasoned writers are welcome to pitch stories for print; many of our departments are written by regular columnists, however, we are open to Taste and feature story pitches. Print features run 1,600-2,200 words. Taste stories run 1,300 words. Web stories are 600-1,500 words. Our rates vary depending on the assignment, the writer’s experience and our relationship with the writer. Our kill fee is 25 percent.
We only publish articles and eBooks about various aspects of writing and publishing. The bulk of what we publish are research based literary journal or publisher reviews. We do all of these review articles in-house and are not open to freelance submissions of this kind. We pay between $40 and $60 per article. Most of our articles are between 250-1,200 words in length. We also pay $500 dollars for eBooks around 10,000 words. We DO NOT publish creative writing. This means NO poetry, NO memoir, and NO fiction.
Plough Quarterly is a magazine of stories, ideas, and culture to inspire faith and action. Bold, hope-filled, and down-to-earth, it features thought-provoking articles, commentary, interviews, short fiction, book reviews, poetry and art. Each issue brings together essential voices from many traditions to give you fresh insights on a core theme such as peacemaking, biblical justice, children and family, building community, man and woman, nature and the environment, nonviolence, or simple living. Up to $700 per article.
They are looking for stories related to the Air Force Reserve and Navy Reserve – not profiles on reservists, but taking a larger look at the components. More hard news, less human interest. Word count 500-800 words depending on the complexity of the assignment. Email Kari Williams, Editor, at with PITCH in the subject line. Payment ranges $75 USD to $200 USD.
As part of our collaboration with the Last Seen Project, we are actively recruiting authors and illustrators with experience producing fiction and nonfiction for students in upper elementary grades. Pitches and resumes/CVs should be sent to Kate Shuster: When complete, these pieces will be no more than 1,000 words each, and will be published on the Last Seen website, including originally commissioned illustrations. Payment is $1 per published word, and $500 per published illustration.
The American Bee Journal, the oldest English language beekeeping publication in the world, is a magazine for professional, sideline and hobbyist beekeepers, as well as those with interest in bee-related subjects. The ABJ is not a peer-reviewed science journal. Its general interest articles do, however, cover results of relevant scientific studies, along with a broad range of topics concerning bees and beekeeping. Pitch editor, Eugene Makovec, at: Feature articles typically begin at $150 for up to 1500 words (about two magazine pages more or less, depending on photos/illustrations). Larger articles generally pay about $100/page, though rarely over $500.
Healing Lifestyles & Spas’ content focuses on infusing integrative spa modalities and destination spa experiences ~ healing remedies ~ integrative medicine ~ wellness and sustainable practices into our daily lives; providing tools and inspiration to live a more healthy and healing spa lifestyle. We believe that spa living is a day-to-day experience. Pays up to $500 for up to 2,000 words. (Thanks on this one)
Khabar is one of the largest publications in the U.S. to serve Indian-Americans. We are based in metro-Atlanta, which serves as a nucleus for Indians living in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina. The magazine caters to a wide spectrum of the community: blue collar workers, students, businessmen, professionals, academicians, and others. And from new immigrants and transient NRIs who may be currently living here, to second and third generation Indian-Americans. Our content relates to three broad categories: the Indian-American community of metro-Atlanta, the national Indian-American diaspora, and broad themes from India as well as Indian culture and society. Pitch editor Parthiv Parekh at Pays $75-$500/article, depending on length, quality, experience and level of match to current needs. Articles range 700-2400 words, and 3000-3500 words for cover stories. (Thanks on this one.)
Email pitches to Jerry Lannelli, Editor at We produce fact-based reporting and analysis that center the voices of the people affected most by our country’s over-reliance on policing, jails, and prisons. We have a special focus on communities and policy debates often ignored by traditional national media, or lost in the consolidation and closure of local news outlets. Pays $1 per word for reported and first-person pieces.
Especially seeks stories in its Culture section. For those stories pitch Sarah Buder, Culture Editor at This section explores the intersection of architecture and design as they relate to culture at large, through stories about art, books, movies, music, television, travel, tech, work life, identity, and more. We’re looking for voice-y reported stories, personal essays, reactive analyses, historical deep-dives, and in-depth explainers that plug into what’s happening, what people are talking about, or what they should be talking about. We’re interested in investigative features that take us inside places we’ve never been with fascinating characters and scenes, as well as zeitgeist pieces that unpack cultural trends related to our homes and how we live. Estimated pay is up to $1 per word.
Perpetual Sports Network is looking to add to its freelance pool for writers and photographers. We operate two storytelling platforms that focus on the athlete’s journey. Pitch Matt Fults, Chief Creative Officer at Long-form feature writers: You can take the reader on a journey by painting a picture with words. Your writing has nuance and depth. It has detail and keen observation. Stories up to 3,000 words. Feature writers: You’re tasked with doing 800-1,200 words. Placing the collegiate athlete at the center of the ecosystem where technology, engaging content, and brands all come together to deliver an enduring future. Pays up to $2,000 per article.
NPQ is a leading national nonprofit publication that covers civil society—that is, nonprofits, social movements, and philanthropy. Pitches should not exceed 200 words. We generally publish articles of 1,500 to 3,000 words, but this is not a rigid rule; hyperlink citations are preferred over footnotes. We especially want: articles and pitches covering one or more of our four justice areas—economic, racial, climate, and health justice—as well as leadership, management, and philanthropy. Pays about $400 per article.
We are all about sharing emotive, intoxicating adventures through gripping stories, breathtaking photography and awe-inspiring video. A foundation for those seeking adventure or wanting to immerse themselves in the adventures of others to be inspired and captivated. We want the way these stories are presented to be beautiful, timeless and welcoming. As a guide we tend to like articles of about 1,500 to 2,000 words but always happy to look at longer and shorter pieces. Pays £200 to £450.
The Better Life Lab is commissioning a series of reported, data and character-driven written, video and/or graphic stories and illustrations that highlight innovations within the child care field. The Better Life Lab will pay reporters and writers and work with you to place the story in an ideal publication. Please send pitches to Rebecca Gale at or Brigid Schulte at Pitches will be considered and stories commissioned on a rolling basis through spring of 2023, with a payment of between $500 to $1,000 per piece.
Looking for pitches at The Vinyl Factory for features, columns and all things related to vinyl culture, vinyl releases and more. Rate is 40p per word. It’s an ongoing call out, no deadline. This is open internationally. Pitch Kelly Doherty, Editorial Lead, at
Clarkesworld Magazine is looking for nonfiction articles of interest to readers of science fiction and fantasy. We are looking for a wide range of types of article including, but not limited to: discussions of the genre publishing business, essays on the writing process and the reading experience, scientific material that might be of use in SF stories, and so on. We pay 10¢ a word up to our word limit of 2,500 words.
Andscape is a Black-led media platform dedicated to creating, highlighting, and uplifting the diverse stories of Black identity. Magnified by the power and reach of The Walt Disney Co., the Andscape umbrella includes an editorial division, book publishing arm, film and television division, and music publishing group. Pitch John Gotty, Senior Culture Editor at Wants thoughtful, engaging food stories that matter. Rates start at $500+ depending on reporting.
We publish stories about health and human experience written by a wide range of storytellers. We are always looking for new writers and image creators. We are particularly interested in hearing from contributors from ethnically minoritised communities, and disabled, d/Deaf and neurodivergent writers because we are committed to publishing stories that represent the wide diversity of experiences with health. We pay writers 50p per word and publish everything under a Creative Commons licence.
Our budget currently allows us to pay between $200 to $600 per piece, depending on the length and story type. Please keep pitches 200-600 words. The Objective is a nonprofit newsroom building collective and narrative power for communities that have been misrepresented or dismissed in order to change the way journalism is practiced in the U.S.
Betches is a female-founded and led media and entertainment brand that provides a space for all women to get real about life—funny, honest, and unfiltered. Whether it’s a podcast, meme, article, or hoodie, we’ll have your group chat saying, “omg this is so us.” You probably know us from being tagged in the comment section of our @betches Instagram, but we do a lot more than make memes. We are the multimedia destination that’s made by and for millennials and Gen Z who don’t take themselves too seriously. Pitch Samantha Rosen, Director for Digital Content and Strategy, at We’re accepting travel pitches especially. Think: Social commentary, hot takes, city guides, etc. Just make it fun and funny. Rates start at $200 per article.
Uncanny is looking for original, unpublished speculative fiction stories between 750 and 10,000 words. Payment is $.10 per word (including audio rights). Uncanny is looking for original, unpublished speculative poetry of any length. Payment is $40 per poem. Not open to novellas at this time.
Stories must be under 1,200 words in length and fall under the genres of science fiction, fantasy or horror. Please submit only one story per cycle. Authors will be notified in mid-November about whether their stories have been accepted for publication. Stories will be published under a non-exclusive license, at a rate of eight cents per word. The author will retail all original copyrights.
We want original reporting and well-researched analysis to help change the conversation around animal ag. Our rate starts at $200. Email me at Submit one paragraph explaining the story you want to write. This paragraph should tell us the big takeaway of your story and why it’s important to cover this angle now. Tell us what’s new that hasn’t been covered elsewhere. Send three to five bullet points of the points you want to make in this story. What are your sources: interviews, research, evidence — what backs up the main points of your piece. Stories can be related to science, climate, health or justice. They must be sensitive to animals’ experiences and well-being. We run monthly themes.
LIBER is a broadly feminist publication that welcomes timely reviews and essays on forthcoming books of all genres. Our interest is in feminist theory, culture, history, and publishing, though we welcome submissions that use a feminist lens to analyze works that are not explicitly feminist. Reviews can vary in length, from 800 to 1,500 words. Average length for a reported essay is 2,500 to 4,000 words. Pays $100 for book reviews, $50 per poem, $250 to $2,500 for features.
We’ve committed to a minimum payment of $500 for all assignments and two-day payment by e-transfer. Projects that involve multimedia work such as photography or video will be similarly compensated at fair rates. We are currently building a catalog of evergreen (i.e., interesting outside the news cycle) content of 500-1000 words across five areas: News, Sports, Transit, Arts, and Fun. Our preference is for pitches between 500-750 words and upto 1,000 words at most. We may entertain the occasional feature pitch if it’s particularly strong, but we encourage you to keep your pitch narrow in scope to fit within our guidelines. We pay fixed rates for two types of articles: $500 for quicker pieces that don’t require interviews, and $750 for reported stories.
The Cognoscenti is searching for outstanding writing on culture, current affairs, or travel. The writing should be hopeful, reflect your voice, and be lively, albeit polished. We prefer timely pieces (in terms of a tie-in) but evergreen in their interest. We’re offering a flat rate of €500 per long-read and €200 per short-read article.
Prefers 500 to 2,500 words in length, depending on topic and extent. Pays 50 cents/word. Now accepting pitches for recently launched travel brand. Pitch
Looking for deeply researched and carefully crafted longform (8,000-13,000 words) nonfiction with attention to narrative. Baseline story pay is $6,000. Pitch and/or
Open to any and all beauty / wellness ideas. Pay starts at $200. Send pitch with subject line Byrdie Pitch to Olivia Hancock, Editor at
Positive News publishes good journalism about good things. We’d like to receive pitches for news or features that showcase the best examples of progress and possibility anywhere in the world. We want stories that will inform, inspire and entertain the widest possible audience. Pitch Editor Lucy Purdy at Pays 30p per word.
Pitch Maureen Kelleher, Editorial Partner through a DM on Twitter at Looking for freelance education reporters who really know their stuff on early literacy and the science of reading. US-based only. Pay/time depends on the assignment. We are open to multiple articles. Also needs a writer or two for a package of stories looking at the parallels between school bullying and the tactics now being used politically to bar discussion of and support for LGBTQ+ and Black and Brown students.
Borderless Magazine reports on labor, justice and advocacy issues impacting Midwestern immigrant communities. We report using a lens of equity and resilience. We welcome pitches for reported feature stories, comics, photo essays, and as-told-to stories. Our story payment starts at $250 and goes up based on the difficulty of the story. Our photographer assignment rate is $150. Send your pitches to us at with the subject line “Story Pitch.”
Our audience primarily comprises landscape architecture professionals and students in the United States and abroad, with a fair number of city planners in the mix. We have an important secondary audience in allied professionals such as architects and engineers, but also decision makers such as politicians and public officials, university or corporate heads, real estate developers, regulators, and a wide spectrum of people who collaborate with landscape architects, such as scientists (botanists, ecologists), geographers, horticulturists, construction specialists, and product manufacturers. We are interested in stories, not subjects. The more specific, the better. We are also taking pitches every day forever. We pay $350 for short pieces (under 500 words) and up to a $1/word for features.
Every issue of Pipe Wrench is made of one longform feature story and a constellation of conversation pieces — shorter contributions in a range of styles and media that springboard off the core story. They seek a strong narrative with a particular story at its center. It’s focused, not exploratory. Your pieces take us beyond the Who-What-When-Where-Why and into “Why It Matters.” Readers should take something away from your story beyond “Now I know more about X.” They should be thinking about it and grappling with it days later. Your piece is making an argument about how the world should be. Have a voice. We’re not a newspaper, and this story is something you care deeply about. We’re not looking for reviews, profiles that don’t explore some larger issue, and memoir/personal essays without a larger cultural or political arc. Given our quarterly publishing cadence and the lead time issues require, we also stay away from news-pegged stories unless they have a strong evergreen backbone. “Longform” for us means at least 4,000 words. Researched essay, cultural critique, creative nonfiction, historical inquiry, narrative reporting — we’re open to all your ideas, as long as they tell a good story and interrogate their topic thoroughly. Rates for core stories start at $1,800 and go up from there depending on the type of story, length, and research/reporting required.
A bi-monthly Native North American newspaper whose purpose is to present good news of what’s happening across Indian Country. Pays 15 cents/word up to $175 for up to 2,000 words. Seeks authentic stories of Native Americans who have a challenging life story, whose life has been transformed by Jesus Christ.
The Cattleman magazine is received monthly by TSCRA (Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association) members as part of their membership in the organization. Pays $500 for 1,200-1,800 words. Pitch story to Ellen H. Brisendine, Executive Director, Communications Services at
Lake Superior Magazine is a bimonthly full-color consumer magazine that focuses exclusively on the Lake Superior region – history, current events, life styles, environment, tourism. We pay on a per-piece basis, with magazine features generally paying $200 to $400. Top dollar is earned by a well-written and researched manuscript-photo package. The average feature runs 1,600 to 2,000 words. Departments and Columns average 800 to 1,200 words and usually pay from $75 to $200.
We’re looking for help telling original stories of landowner-driven water conservation and riparian restoration work in the Colorado River Basin to publish (non-exclusively) through our magazine, On Land. Send pitches to We generally pay about $1/word.
We’re looking for stories about your experiences as a reader, insight into the effect of reading on humans, humorous takes on the world of words, and anything else you as a reader or writer might be interested in sharing. In other words: we’re open to any ideas you may have (as long as they relate to reading). You can pitch nonfiction/essay, humor or poetry, but make sure that your work has reading as its focus. Please note that Oh Reader is no longer accepting or publishing fiction. We will accept nonfiction and humor based solely on a pitch; if you are submitting poetry, please send the entire piece to Authors of all accepted stories will be paid a flat rate of $200 for their published article, $75 for poetry.
A quarterly magazine connecting readers to the West Coast’s original voices, News from Native California publishes essays, news stories, poems, artwork, and tribal histories about and by Indigenous people. Informing and inspiring readers since 1987, this first-of-its-kind publication celebrates and honors the culture, heritage, and social justice work of Native Californians—past, present, and future.
Interested in pieces about technology and electricity in marginalized communities in the US. Have a pitch about a tech fix for a policy problem that backfired? A place still missing a basic technology? A memoir about getting access to something? Email Mara Pellittieri, Editor in Chief at Seeking a mix of graphic journalism, first person essays, poetry, and other forms. Budget is about $1,000 per piece.
Guidelines here.
This new publication offers reporting, essays, interviews, and research on how work is changing. The evolution of work is accelerating rapidly: Changing cultural attitudes, macroeconomic forces, and businesses are reshaping the workday. We hope our publication offers insight for people across the org chart on how to make the most of this moment to have more fulfilling careers and better lives outside work. The how, where, when, and why of work—ideation, pitching, production, distribution, and marketing—are dramatically changing. The mission of this new publication is to chronicle and forecast those metamorphoses. We know that supportive company culture can supercharge a business, and we’re looking for true stories of how that happens. Trend stories (1,200 words). Scientific studies (1,000 words). Wellness at work (1,100 words). Narrative features (2,000-2,500 words). Leadership interviews (1,500 words) and profiles (2,000 words). Pay for articles ranges between 40 and 75 cents per word.