A new writer in my area recently announced to various groups on Facebook that he had published a mystery. What caught me was the title, which I won’t list, for his sake and mine. It included wording I have in a work-in-progress title, so of course it caught my eye. I almost bought it. That […]
The Art of ‘Accessible’ Celebrity Interviews
/ 2024-05-03Cambridge Dictionary defines “celebrity” as someone famous. Celebrity interviews can make for an easy sell of articles, too. “Accessible” celebrities are anyone reasonably within the author’s reach without the complication of press junkets or bodyguards. What’s not “accessible” Could you reach George Clooney or Brad Pitt in minutes? Probably not. Restricted access means they only […]
Turning Our Volunteer Passions into Articles and Income
/ 2024-04-19Children’s television host, Mr. Rodgers, said that whenever he watched scary news as a child his mother would tell him to “Look for the helpers.” He said knowing people were helping was a great comfort. His words inspired me to write about my volunteer experiences. I’ve been a mentor to women in difficult marriages for […]
How Do I Get the Word Out?
/ 2024-04-19I hear this over and over, people asking me what is the magic potion that made people buy my books. 1) I made appearances. 2) I published a weekly newsletter. 3) I answered every email, text, and message. 4) I freelanced every chance I could. 5) I guest blogged. 6) I kept writing. That sounds […]
How to Write a Book While Maintaining a Full-Time Writing Job
/ 2024-04-19If you have a full-time writing job and want to write a book, you may wonder how you will accomplish both. You likely spend most of your time and energy on paid work. How do you complete a book AND maintain quality work for clients at the same time? I know this challenge well. I […]
What Books Should I Read as a Writer?
/ 2024-04-19As you might expect, I get deluged with books. From publishers, fans, wannabe writers, published-yet-still-struggling writers, my book club, and friends and family as gifts. My to-be-read stack is two columns of a dozen books each, and that doesn’t count my bookcase with books I still told myself I would read. Don’t even ask me […]
What to Expect from a Developmental Editor—and Why Hire One
/ 2024-03-15My first editor worked with me on five revisions of my debut story in a major magazine. Decades later, when I wrote about him, I understood what had inspired his stamina: my trying and failing and trying again to express what I wanted to say. The piece wasn’t spectacular, but it launched my career and […]
The Biggest Grant Myth
/ 2024-03-15A week doesn’t go by without someone asking me for money to self-publish their book. Nine times out of ten, they are beginning authors. There are no grants for this. And there are lots of reasons why. I’ll try to toss most of them in here, in abbreviated form so this doesn’t turn into an […]
Top 7 Things a Producer Wants From Your Screenplay
/ 2024-03-15What makes a screenplay successful? This question has haunted many a writer since the dawn of motion pictures. No single genre, subject or storyline has so dominated the box office as to be dubbed a surefire winner. If one had, that’s all Hollywood would make. We’ve seen hits and flops from every kind of film […]
/ 2024-03-15Most of you reading this have published somewhere. In newsletter, magazines, or blogs. Maybe you’ve done podcasts or YouTube episodes. Or you’ve published in an anthology, or even published a book or two. Along this journey, you’ve met people in the business. Don’t forget these people. Some will be editors and others marketers. Some helped […]
Writing Critique Groups
/ 2024-03-15I no longer belong to a writer’s critique group. I used to belong to two at the same time. One in person and one online. The first was 25 miles away, and we met biweekly, with a limit of ten double-spaced pages. The second was online and international. It was understood to submit a chapter […]
Leveraging Substack and Public Speaking to Monetize Your Passion
/ 2024-03-01As a starving freelance writer, I always look for ways to turn craft into coin. Enter Substack. Think of it as a personal online publishing platform with which you build a paying readership. Setup is free, intuitive, and quick. Fill it with previously published work, new articles, OpEds, short stories…whatever tickles your fancy. Create subsections, the […]