Publishers are struggling to get ahead of AI, artificial intelligence, and its impact on what is being published and by whom. They want to continue publishing to be done BY WHOM not BY WHAT. I just ran across this post from Candlemark & Gleam, a publisher of speculative fiction, which gives you an idea of what […]
Turn Your Local History Into a Book
/ 2023-03-31“Hi, I’m Rod, where are you from?” Ok, I admit, it sounds like a cheesy one-liner, but seriously, where are you from? As authors, we are constantly seeking the next idea, the idea that might turn into a sellable book or article, the idea that just may put our names on the lips of readers […]
Do You Ever Read the Winners?
/ 2023-03-31In my research for FundsforWriters, I was studying contests and grants. I don’t often talk about the winners of these funds because that would take twice the size of the newsletter that’s already pretty long, but a particular one had shown a snipper of one of the winners, and it drew me in. I wound […]
On Book Signings
/ 2023-03-17Not long ago, a local literacy group asked multiple authors to appear with their books and promote literacy. They met at a library. They announced it in a few places, but it had little success. The leader sent out an email to attendees and whomever else he knew in his literary community asking for advice […]
The Reality of a Writer’s Retreat
/ 2023-03-17I’m always posting fellowships, scholarships, and opportunities for writers to attend retreats. Some of them come with the responsibility of teaching, others require you take care of the property, maybe even the livestock. Some have you meeting in groups, collaborating on each other’s material. Others throw you solo without internet connection out in the woods […]
Just Ask
/ 2023-03-17Sometimes you just have to ask. Conferences charge admission fees. Did you know that you can ask the conference leader if there are scholarships, fellowships, or co-op opportunities to have part or all fees covered? Sometimes they are income-related and other times you have to volunteer and work for the conference in exchange. They often […]
Chicken Soup for the Soul Success
/ 2023-03-10We were two grandmas, and two authors in a coffee shop discussing writing. One of us multi-published, self-confident, the other convinced her first publication in a Chicken Soup for the Soul book was a fluke. “Why would anybody be interested in my ordinary life?” said the latter, “Nothing extraordinary has ever happened to me. I […]
/ 2023-03-10Last week I posted a brief editorial about mature writers still being relevant. If you are breathing, you are still able to write. Amazingly, writers came out of the woodwork thanking me for addressing that fact and respecting the senior writer. Some of them were close to giving up. Some were still going strong and […]
Selling Books at Libraries
/ 2023-03-10I enjoy visiting libraries. They have purpose, and they can give your book a lift in the community they are responsible for tending, literally. They definitely fill a need. When I appear at libraries, my preference is to make a presentation. I’ve visited libraries to teach how to write, how to publish, how to put […]
Using Your Career as a Blogging Tool
/ 2023-03-05Most writers have had or still work a full-time career. In our working years, we acquired knowledge for that job, and whether we retire or segue into full-time writing, we often think that information isn’t relevant any longer in our lives, but it is. Said experience could be beneficial for future writing income, especially when […]
Those Public Appearances
/ 2023-03-05From a reader: <<As the weather warms, I notice your list of readings/signings growing. Recently I looked at (another author’s) site and saw that before covid she had constant speaking engagements. The schedule looked exhausting! Another acquaintance hired a publicist to set up his tour. So would you write more about setting up engagements now […]
Too Old to Write?
/ 2023-03-05Someone recently told me she was too old to try to write. I reminded her she was still breathing, which was all the reason she needed to put pen to paper. I get it. Sometimes we see technology over the writing. All the talk about AI, writing to SEO, white-papers on topics we do not […]