Many hate Amazon, and some small enterprising companies have tried to take a chunk out of it, a mouse trying to nip the beast, so to speak. I am not for or against those small entities doing something they feel the need to do.
I, however, have always been an Amazon fan. Why? Because I remember a world without it.
Whether reader or writer, imagine not having Amazon. You might cope just fine, but you know what? You’d be coping. So, instead of fighting it, consider using it to your advantage. In this essay, let’s consider using its reviews to assist you as an author.
1) Reviews can tell you what worked in a book. If readers repeatedly mention the same strengths or same weaknesses in the story, you now know what readers prefer or hate. . . to either adopt or avoid.
2) Look for repetitious keywords in the reviews. They can help you find like books or properly keyword your own. They also might help you identify with certain styles, certain subgenres, certain settings so that you can use those words for readers to find your book better.
3) Do the reviews show a book heavy in plot, character, or setting? Or is it just the prose or voice? Which do you prefer in your story? This is how you find successful authors to use as guides to mold your own work.
4) Read all the one-star reviews and seek substance in the wording. What exactly turned them off to take such a hard stance?
5) Read the Amazon Top Reviews and the Hall of Fame Reviews. These reviewers have resonated with readers, have earned respect, and been deemed the most useful. Try to understand why. Not to mention some of these folks can be contacted to request they review your work.
Sometimes it isn’t about the stars in the reviews. It really can be about the discussion, which can tell you, the writer, how to tweak your work to better sell, better write, and better understand the reader.
Well said! I have always maintained that there is much for indie authors to learn from reviews. I always read them, and yes, some really hurt! Others make me angry. Most are delightful and reaffirming, which is helpful in different way. I found # 2 and #5 quite helpful. Thanks for a great post!